
Password Verification and Account Activation by Petra Pierre-Robertson

For I know the plans I have for you (Jeremiah 29:11) I was given an interesting topic for a presentation to an honor society. The topic was 'Password To Your Keepsake Account'. It was rife with symbolism. I mulled over it trying to determine the best symbols to apply to the keywords in the context of the audience of young students with a possible uncharted future before them. While this was written for the youth, it is also for anyone with an as yet unopened keepsake account for which a password has been provided. If you haven't yet used it then you need to verify it and activate your account! The link is there waiting for your click. Don't let it expire! Your keepsake account is you! What account is that? Your keepsake account is YOU. You are full of potential. God, is the original that the keepsake is representative of. God owns you (Ezekiel 18:4) and entrusted you with talents, gifts and abilities (Matthew 24:14-30). Yes He did! Stop underestimating yourself! You

The Black Box: AI and The Mystery of Iniquity by Petra Pierre-Robertson

For the mystery of iniquity doth already work... until he be taken out of the way. (2 Thessalonians 2:7) I have always been fascinated by the constantly evolving and morphing technology. Cyborgs sent me writing on the theme of memory and consciousness in a book chapter entitled 'What it Means to be Human'. The recent public discourse surrounding Artificial Intelligence (AI) sent me in a tailspin. Sydney, the chatbot and her intrusive questions, the darker side of AI, the hesitancy, the resignations, the fears, the concerns and the need for ethics and control to name a few. What particularly caught my attention was the discourse surrounding the darker side of AI, the shadow-self, AI gone rogue. AI gone rogue As I was mused on this, another discourse popped up. The mystery of iniquity. Lucifer and the angels were trained by the same God and grew up in a perfect environment, Lucifer rebelled and convinced one third (1/3) of holy angels to do the same. How did that happen? The my

Conflicting Signals by Petra Pierre-Robertson

Matthew 6:6 But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. It was a demonstration for a class. It was set up in the library. It looked so cute I stopped to take pictures. I had no idea what the objectives for the lesson were, but as I took the pictures my own lessons, encapsulated in the title of the blog, came to mind So many voices! Have you ever been inundated with voices? All legitimate? Yet all giving conflicting signals? Or different instruction? And were you ever at your wits end wondering just who should you listen to? There are just so many voices, sometimes. And oftentimes what causes even more confusion is that these voices come from legitimate sources at home, church, school and society! There are just so many voices, sometimes! The still small voice I think of Elijah. He heard several diverse voices in the wind, in the earthquake, and in the fire. Yet, at that point of his experience, even though in other situations G

TRAPPED: One man's joy... By Petra Pierre-Robertson Robertson

Proverbs 14:10 Each heart knows its own bitterness, and no one else can share its joy. The grate was meant to prevent accident or injury for us. In an unguarded moment we could misstep, or fall, spraining an ankle or sustaining other injury in the process. It was necessary. It also added to the aesthetics. I should also mention that birds share our habitat. We love having them around. The sight of them. The sound of them. We love the sight and sound of them On day one of the job, a bird was trapped. It found its way under the grate, probably lured by a bite, or out of curiosity. We saw it in time. It kept going further into danger, going up trying to escape, when it should be going down. We pointed it in the correct direction coaxed it and led it out of the trap. Trapped On day two another bird was not as fortunate. We saw it too late. We surmised that something caught its attention, probably a morsel and it poked its head through the grate and was trapped. The sight of it t

The Slippers: Walk Circumspectly by Petra Pierre-Robertson

...walk circumspectly... (Ephesians 5:15) I was clearing the car to properly vacuum it when I found a pair of slippers under the seat. It was a timely find since one of my slippers was damaged. I realised that one side of the slipper I found was also damaged so I decided to make a temporary pair with the good sides from both pairs of slippers. It was then I realised that the same sides were damaged; the right sides. And in the same way; the heel. Right heels damaged This could not be a coincidence. My brain immediately went into overdrive. I pondered on why this was so. It must be the way I walked. So I walked circumspectly. I paid careful attention to the way I walked. Realization dawned. I was favoring my left foot, by putting additional pressure on my right foot. Torn ligament It was because of an injury in my left knee. A torn ligament. I alternated between calling it my 'albatross' and my 'thorn in the flesh'. I sustained that injury decades ago while playing bask

Faith: Scribbles

The just shall live by faith (Hab 2:4 Rom 1:17, Gal 3:11, Heb 10:38 KJV) As a youth I wanted to know Christ in a personal way. I had heard and read of so many testimonies of persons who lived a life of faith (Hab 2:4 Rom 1:17, Gal 3:11, Heb 10:38 KJV). I wanted faith. But how could I 'get' it? Reading 'How To Make Christianity Real' by Morris Venden was a turning point in my faith experience. I always take notes when I read. Notes help me to reflect. This morning, as I reflected, I stumbled upon these notes on faith that I scribbled as I read Venden's 'How To Make Christianity Real' 26 years ago... Maybe someone is also trying to 'get' faith. I pray these scribbles also serve as a turning point for you... Don't depend on your feelings to initiate faith. Spend time with God now. Make the time... Be blessed.

Nuggets to Survive in the Workplace

Whatever you do, do your work heartily as unto God, rather than for men. (Colossians 3:23). Today is Administrative Professionals Day. I was invited to speak to a group of admin. professionals. After my presentation, they requested that I share the quotes to which I referred with them. That request is the source of this very short blog which I am writing as I have a quick lunch. I surmise that it will benefit not just the admin. professionals, but also people who have to face their unique work environment on a daily basis. At least 8 hours per day  I mused on the fact that most of our daylight/waking moments are spent in work. We sleep for about 8 hours (at least we are supposed to). We work for 8 hours, and the final 8 hours in the day are spent between preparation for work, house matters, family matters, study, children, recreation, exercise, our hobbies etc.  The last thing we want to do is to go to work I read somewhere that the last thing we want to do most days is go to work. Bu