Nuggets to Survive in the Workplace

Whatever you do, do your work heartily as unto God, rather than for men. (Colossians 3:23).

Today is Administrative Professionals Day. I was invited to speak to a group of admin. professionals. After my presentation, they requested that I share the quotes to which I referred with them. That request is the source of this very short blog which I am writing as I have a quick lunch. I surmise that it will benefit not just the admin. professionals, but also people who have to face their unique work environment on a daily basis.

At least 8 hours per day

 I mused on the fact that most of our daylight/waking moments are spent in work. We sleep for about 8 hours (at least we are supposed to). We work for 8 hours, and the final 8 hours in the day are spent between preparation for work, house matters, family matters, study, children, recreation, exercise, our hobbies etc. 

The last thing we want to do is to go to work

I read somewhere that the last thing we want to do most days is go to work. But since bills don’t pay themselves, we put on our best masks and venture out. Some people blatantly assert, "I only doing the needful. Just ensure and pay me when month-end or pay-day comes!" Let us not mask. Instead, let us see how we can find inner motivation and contentment despite the work situation we find ourself in. How do we do that? 

Finding inner motivation

 I shared some quotations with the Administrative Professionals which they requested after the presentation. Here they are:

On some days you must ‘choose silence because by it you hear other [people’s] imperfections and conceal your own’ (George Bernard Shaw). And while you are silent, 'work hard in silence let success be your noise’ (Frank Ocean). Even though neither reward nor recognition is forthcoming for your success, ‘take courage, do not let your hands be weak for your work shall be rewarded' (2 Chronicles 15:7 ESV).

Work hard

 Of course, there is bound to be talk and gossip, especially in an office environment. ‘Don't listen to what people say behind you. A lion never looks back when small dogs bark’ (African Proverb). Like Joseph who went from pit to palace, encountered Potiphar’s wife and went to prison before being Prime Minister, maintain your excellent spirit (Genesis 41:38) regardless of where you are placed, whether it is fair or not. Who experienced how unfair life was more than Paul? After his sour experiences he posited, ‘I learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content' (Philippians 4:11). Whatever you do, do your work heartily as unto God, rather than for men. (Colossians 3:23).

Work heartily as unto God
Men may never recognize your contributions, nor your hard work, but know that it is from God you will receive your inheritance (vs 24). Earthly bosses may think you are serving them but what they don’t realise is that they are really benefiting from your service to God, for it is the Lord Christ whom we serve (vs 24)! Your excellence will shine and eliminate the darkness around you, because, “a lamp doesn't speak; it introduces itself through its light, so too achievers never expose themselves but their achievements expose them" (Unknown).

Let your offices and work areas be zones where people feel different when they enter. Positively impact those in your network and sphere of influence! Happy Administrative Professionals Day!


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