"Stand still' in the midst of.....Part I - Cliques and Caucuses" by Petra Pierre - Robertson

Stand Still Exodus 14:13 - Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will shew to you to day... CLIQUES AND CAUCUSES 'Uproarious cheers rose from the various cliques and caucuses who, for once, appeared to be unified: the I work harder than everyone else Black Heron ; the slyly smiling, vulnerable, cry wolf Topi Antelopes ; the calculating, airborne, pirating Skuas who had actually indicated their retirement from the farm, yet were present; the devious, traitorous, usurping Cuckoo Bees who sat in the choicest seats, buzzing uncaringly; the pretentious Brown Trouts who forever wore caked, cracking smiles that stuck on their hard, masked faces; the two-faced, face-biting, over friendly, Sabre Toothed Blennys , who always greeted with Judas-hugs and kisses that those who were too gullible, or too scared to reject, accepted; the too-pretty-for-my-shoes butterflies who assumed responsibility for, stole, and cried everyone’s tears, f...