Saved for a Special Occasion by Petra Pierre - Robertson

…then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided? Luke 12:20 Whose shall those things be? I gaped at the contents of the locked cupboard, draw and suitcase. Untouched dresses, dinner sets, cutlery, keepsakes, and money, lay neatly, stored away for special occasions which never came. She had died and left it all behind. Someone else would benefit from it. She did not. It struck me. We too are also saving for special occasions that may never come, even as we have been saved for a special occasion that is promised. I will twin the two as I proceed! You may unravel it based on your individual situations and perspectives. Saved for a special occasion! We have been saved for a special occasion that is promised. However, we begin experiencing that promise in the now. It is not an experience that is stored away solely for the future. Having been saved by grace, through faith (Ephesians 2:8) , we must not settle for a mediocre existence, soake...