The Black Box: AI and The Mystery of Iniquity by Petra Pierre-Robertson

For the mystery of iniquity doth already work... until he be taken out of the way. (2 Thessalonians 2:7)
I have always been fascinated by the constantly evolving and morphing technology. Cyborgs sent me writing on the theme of memory and consciousness in a book chapter entitled 'What it Means to be Human'. The recent public discourse surrounding Artificial Intelligence (AI) sent me in a tailspin. Sydney, the chatbot and her intrusive questions, the darker side of AI, the hesitancy, the resignations, the fears, the concerns and the need for ethics and control to name a few. What particularly caught my attention was the discourse surrounding the darker side of AI, the shadow-self, AI gone rogue.

AI gone rogue

As I was mused on this, another discourse popped up. The mystery of iniquity. Lucifer and the angels were trained by the same God and grew up in a perfect environment, Lucifer rebelled and convinced one third (1/3) of holy angels to do the same. How did that happen? The mystery of iniquity...


Fast forward to creation. God endowed man with choice and provided enough information for him to choose. The archenemy came and questioned, information was processed, answers were provided, based on the answers the archenemy asked more questions and provided data/information of his own., Answers changed as additional questions were asked. As these questions were asked more data was inputted, information was reprocessed and decisions were reprocessed. I couldn't help but compare this scenario with the AI chatbot. Data is processed, answers are given, questions are asked, additional data is provided, new answers are given. That is the process. It is a similar process with the decision making process of humans


But, why one would make a choice for death over life remains a mystery. It is as much a mystery as why the AI chatbots operate the way they do. It is as much a mystery as the inscrutable black box which although used is not understood. Even in the human realm there are mysteries YET we discount the existence of God because of mystery.? Can we by searching find out God? (Job 11:7-9) No. And neither can learned, educated, computer geniuses understand the inscrutable black box.

One day, all will be revealed (1Corinthians 13:9-12)


  1. So much of my confusion and thoughts surrounding AI you have put in perspective. Blessings Petra

  2. Makes for interesting reading.

    1. Thank you for this reading I really appreciate it blessings

    2. You are welcome. May God bless you too.

  3. I await patiently that one day when all will be revealed. Even so, come Lord Jesus 🙏🏾 Blessings & thank you PPR

  4. I choose, life. Thanks for your insightful piece


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