TRAPPED: One man's joy... By Petra Pierre-Robertson Robertson

Proverbs 14:10
Each heart knows its own bitterness, and no one else can share its joy.

The grate was meant to prevent accident or injury for us. In an unguarded moment we could misstep, or fall, spraining an ankle or sustaining other injury in the process. It was necessary. It also added to the aesthetics.
I should also mention that birds share our habitat. We love having them around. The sight of them. The sound of them.

We love the sight and sound of them

On day one of the job, a bird was trapped. It found its way under the grate, probably lured by a bite, or out of curiosity. We saw it in time.
It kept going further into danger, going up trying to escape, when it should be going down. We pointed it in the correct direction coaxed it and led it out of the trap.


On day two another bird was not as fortunate. We saw it too late. We surmised that something caught its attention, probably a morsel and it poked its head through the grate and was trapped. The sight of it tore at our hearts. We gave it a decent burial under the meringa tree.

The sight of it tore our hearts

We mused on the two experiences.
What prevented accident and injury for us, seemed to evoke the opposite for the birds. One man's joy is another mans sorrow. We were so happy to finally get that job done, but what of the birds? It clearly was not a joy for them. They experienced bitterness while we experienced joy. Truly as espoused in Proverbs 14:10 "Each heart knows its own bitterness, and no one else can share its joy."

We love our birds. We would have to devise a workable solution.


  1. Awwwww.... mixed feelings. I love that you have a solution for yourselves, but I fear for the poor birds. Happy you're working on a solution 😉

  2. It’s good that you put a preventative measure for yourselves, The birds are getting trapped though;
    Hopefully you will turn the trapping into something positive soon

  3. So true while I am crying over a certain problem a person is very happy over the same problem and it is joy for them

  4. Hmm good points..


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