Lessons from the sea Part 2: Beautiful from a distance

For now we see through a glass, darkly... (1 Corinthians12:12 ) The sea raged The sea was rough. It was loud. The waves were roaring and soaring as they charged furiously into the shore, raking the sand like an excavator. Yet It was beautiful To look at From a distance Video of ferocious sea Have you ever had the shocking realization that things you thought were beautiful were not really that beautiful? They caused you pain They were not good to be near They revealed darker sides the closer they came They consumed you in their clutches and destroyed you Some things were just better admired from a distance Admire from a distance Unfortunately, in the face of consuming beauty and treasured expectations, signs are sometimes ignored or overlooked. You hear the sound, you feel the blast, you taste the salt, you feel the ground being pulled from under your feet yet you remain thinking, I am secure where I am, I am only admiring it. Dear reader, please note that all it takes is one con...