Interconnected: Living with pain by Petra Pierre - Robertson

" ... the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. " ( Ephesians 4:16) I thought it was gone. I mean, this was years later. The days of resting, icing and elevating the injured leg were over. I had obeyed. I had done what the Orthopedic Doctor had instructed. Then came that one sharp movement. I tried exerting force to close a stiff door with my hand. My leg twisted at that awkward angle and reminded me that 'it was present with me' (Romans 7:21). It was not gone as I had thought. It was just that I had found ways of living with it. I no longer turned at a particular angle, I no longer did particular exercises, I eased the pressure off certain areas, I tried hard to avoid complacency, and I did my therapy. However in spite of my best effort, I still felt the grim effects of its presence. Grim reminders Sin is also an injury we have to live with. To circumvent the negative e...