Consider the Birds: Part 2 'They Always Sing' by Petra Pierre - Robertson

Sing among the branches Psalm 104:12 (ESV) The birds of the heavens...sing among the branches. "I thought birds sang sweetest in the morning. But I was wrong. They sing all through the day. I just didn't hear them since I was never home to listen...and even when home, the noises - cars, people, movement- crowded them out...but now...I hear them. They do sing...all through the day... #StayAtHome" (Petra Pierre - Robertson, April 23, 2020) Ironically, exactly one year ago today, I came to this startling realization as I ‘worked from home’ in silence, during the height of lockdown, because of rising cases of COVID-19. Birds always sing! They don't only sing when they are happy, They don’t only sing only when they are free… Singing a regular part of their daily activity They sing when they are working They sing when it is raining They sing when clouds are dark They sing when big dogs bark And although the songs differ based on the emotion or sit...