
"The Standard of Measurement" by Petra Pierre - Robertson

Measuring themselves by themselves "For we dare not … compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise." 2 Corinthians 10:12 A groan escaped my lips at the sight that greeted me after flipping on my indicator and swinging right into the vacant parking spot; the vehicle next to which I was about to park was crooked. The vehicle was parked crooked As I attempted to reverse-park, my vehicle also felt crooked. The way the vehicles were parked next to me, threw me off. Even though I tried to park straight, my car felt out of alignment with the cars between which I was navigating. Look harder at the line, not the vehicle As I pondered my next move it struck me: When the person next to you is crooked you have to look harder at 'line' to ensure you line up right; or you can be inadvertently misled. Next to the person you may appear straight but the...

"Team work: Positioning is key!" by Petra Pierre - Robertson Illustrated by Jean - Luc Robertson

Philippians 2:4 do not merely look out for your own personal interests... Artwork by Jean-Luc Robertson The aim: Position the random letters provided, into a word which generates the highest possible score, on the tiles provided. Note the following: Each letter is ascribed a value Certain tiles multiply the value as indicated by the following keys: TL = Triple Letter DL = Double Letter TW = Triple Word DW = Double Word The gameboard automatically provides you with seven letters which you are required to combine into words.   Remember positioning is key! Random letters provided The random letters provided by the gameboard were:  L(3)  N(3)  E(3)  I(3)  H(12)  O(3)  K(15) The level required the generation of a four-letter word. K demands to be placed on the Triple Letter Tile K demands to be placed on the Triple Letter tile since he has the highest value - 15 - and therefore will generate the highest individual score.    H, with a value of 12,  recognises the truism of K's assertion...

"Appreciating Difference: Personalities, Gifts and Talents" by Petra Pierre - Robertson

And the eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you”; nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” (1 Corinthians 12:21) "H e gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ". (Ephesians 4:11, 12). " To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability". (Matthew 25:14) DIFFERENT PERSONALITIES Clones Most often people and leaders are only comfortable with clones of themselves. This results in persons being sidelined and labelled because they don't 'perform' to other people's expectations. “With the decades of Leadership he constantly boasted of you would expect that he would know that the inner circle of a leader should comprise of persons with various skills and strengths that you yourself may not possess. A leader cannot be threa...

"Overburdened!" by Petra Pierre - Robertson

OVERBURDENED! Psalm 57:2 "I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfils his purpose for me." I was hoping that branch in particular would survive. Several others had broken under the weight, but that limb in particular looked sturdy. We had pruned the tree the year before. Although it had borne good creamy avocados for years, it was getting old. Its limbs were weak and under attack from termites, yet it had continued to fulfil its purpose and do what it had been doing for years – giving good fruit even while parasites sucked on old branches, old branches sucked on the limbs and the limbs sucked on the trunk. But what of the sustenance of the source of their strength? So we pruned the tree, severing the branches which sucked, as they were being sucked, yet bore little or no fruit. That season we got no fruit; we had pruned when the tree was flowering. The tree flowered again! The next season however, the tree flowered again. Plenty flowers. Plenty buds. Plenty...

"Hooked on Scrabble!" by Petra Pierre - Robertson

Rules of Play: Each player competes for the highest score by utilising tiles in combinations and locations that take the best advantage of letter values and premium squares on the board. 'Star-studded tiles on a rack don't guarantee the expected outcome!' You may have valuable tiles like Q Z X and J on your rack, but without low-valued tiles like U N I, they wont land you a word - far less a seven letter word! Dropping and exchanging are in order! 'Two' many of U and I Conversely too many of U and I on a rack won't work. In fact one I and U is sufficient. U and I hardly go well together well except that lone arbitrator is on the rack with them to either QUIZ, make them QUIET, or cause them to QUIT; again dropping and exchanging are in order! Which will you exchange for the low-valued 's'? The low valued S also changes the game plan and makes the difference between a high and low score. But you will have to exchange one of your big values for the low...

It Must Have Been an Angel by Petra Pierre Robertson

Psalm 34:7 ( KJV ) ~ The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them. "A rustling sound. Peach stirred. It was coming from the grass ringing them. Her heart thumped erratically in her chest. Tiger cats? Jade was racing towards her from the direction of the bushes wide-eyed in fear. “I saw a man, in white, standing staring at us.” “What?” Peach asked groggily, waking up ... ... Verbs were left out in her haste to communicate the cause of her fright... Jade squeezed her way in between Peach and Hazel. Everyone was now silent. Meanwhile, down the mountains, across the nation, unknown to them, they were the headline news on Television and radio; News that was repeated all through the night and into the next day. Lost in the Hills … young hikers missing!" From "Lost in the Hills" by Petra Pierre - Robertson When going through scary situations it is sometimes difficult to recognise ...

"Stand still' in the midst of.....Part I - Cliques and Caucuses" by Petra Pierre - Robertson

Stand Still Exodus 14:13 - Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will shew to you to day... CLIQUES AND CAUCUSES 'Uproarious cheers rose from the various cliques and caucuses who, for once, appeared to be unified: the I work harder than everyone else Black Heron ; the slyly smiling, vulnerable, cry wolf Topi Antelopes ; the calculating, airborne, pirating Skuas who had actually indicated their retirement from the farm, yet were present; the devious, traitorous, usurping Cuckoo Bees who sat in the choicest seats, buzzing uncaringly; the pretentious Brown Trouts who forever wore caked, cracking smiles that stuck on their hard, masked faces; the two-faced, face-biting, over friendly, Sabre Toothed Blennys , who always greeted with Judas-hugs and kisses that those who were too gullible, or too scared to reject, accepted; the too-pretty-for-my-shoes butterflies who assumed responsibility for, stole, and cried everyone’s tears, f...