"Team work: Positioning is key!" by Petra Pierre - Robertson Illustrated by Jean - Luc Robertson

Philippians 2:4 do not merely look out for your own personal interests...

Artwork by Jean-Luc Robertson

The aim: Position the random letters provided, into a word which generates the highest possible score, on the tiles provided.

Note the following:

  • Each letter is ascribed a value
  • Certain tiles multiply the value as indicated by the following keys:

TL = Triple Letter

DL = Double Letter

TW = Triple Word

DW = Double Word

  • The gameboard automatically provides you with seven letters which you are required to combine into words.  

Remember positioning is key!

Random letters provided

The random letters provided by the gameboard were: 

L(3)  N(3)  E(3)  I(3)  H(12)  O(3)  K(15)

The level required the generation of a four-letter word.

K demands to be placed on the Triple Letter Tile

K demands to be placed on the Triple Letter tile since he has the highest value - 15 - and therefore will generate the highest individual score. 


H, with a value of 12,  recognises the truism of K's assertion, and concedes.

K(45) I(3) N(3) E(3) = 54

However, 'I' wisely noted that  K's placement on the Triple Letter tile, will not be able to generate a word which includes H. Thus H, which also has a good value, will not be able to add to the generation of the highest possible score for the team. 

H(36) O(3) N(3) K(15) = 57

However if H is placed on the Triple Letter tile, then K will be afforded a place and thus contribute to a higher score for the team.

Proper Positioning for Projects is Pivotal for Productivity

It is Pivotal that Participants be Properly Positioned for Projects, not based on Partisanship and Preference, but on Productivity! Team goals should always supersede individual credit. Someone may be considered a small  insignificant value because of discrimination with respect to age, race, gender, status, experience, qualification or harbored ill-will and vindictiveness. However, a small value in a big position may just be what the team needs to suceed. Put another way,  big values may sometimes have to slip into an obscure position, and provide support from on the ground to the small value,  for the benefit of the team.

Together Everyone Accomplishes More

May we learn to overlook personal interest for the greater good of the team in fulfilling objectives to the benefit of all, and not just one.

Do not merely look out for your own personal interests... (Philippians 2:4 )


  1. Powerful analogy. 'I' also, in acknowledging a space for 'H' had to 'die' for the team to acheive more. Beautiful. Team wins.

  2. Well said and great analogy. Thank you for showing to person all parts of a team is important.

  3. You are welcome. Indeed every single member is important.

  4. Everyone works hand in hand. There is no I in team.

  5. Everyone is important in their own way. All we need to do is recognize the special gifts.

  6. Good illustration of a deep truth!

  7. Wonderful illustration! There is no "I" in team, so leave selfishness out!

  8. Deep and profound lessons flowing form this illustration. How humble we should be even if we may consider ourselves to have attained. Preferring each other over ourselves. The end results will always prove greater when we give others a chance to shine.

  9. Beautiful illustration of the power of a well constructed "Team".


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