"The Standard of Measurement" by Petra Pierre - Robertson

Measuring themselves by themselves

"For we dare not … compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise." 2 Corinthians 10:12

A groan escaped my lips at the sight that greeted me after flipping on my indicator and swinging right into the vacant parking spot; the vehicle next to which I was about to park was crooked.

The vehicle was parked crooked

As I attempted to reverse-park, my vehicle also felt crooked. The way the vehicles were parked next to me, threw me off. Even though I tried to park straight, my car felt out of alignment with the cars between which I was navigating.

Look harder at the line, not the vehicle

As I pondered my next move it struck me: When the person next to you is crooked you have to look harder at 'line' to ensure you line up right; or you can be inadvertently misled. Next to the person you may appear straight but the written marked 'rule' says you are crooked. When that person drives off and you are alone, you will made out as crooked by all who look upon you.

When the vehice leaves you will be made out as crooked

It matters not to onlookers or the person seeking a park next to you that someone else misled you. As far as they are concerned there are lines to guide your parking; lines within which you should be positioned. They expect that you would be guided by, and stick to the standard of measurement.

  • Your friends may encourage you to do something because everyone is doing it. You know it to be wrong because you know the rule. Stick to the standard of measurement
  • Your colleagues, even your boss, may guide you contrary to the written code, because that is the way it has always been done. You know that isn’t the way because you have read the policy. Stick to the standard of measurement
  • Your Pastor, Priest, Pundit, Imam, Reverend or other leader may convincingly pontificate about matters not in accordance with the Holy Writ. You have been impressed by the Holy Spirit that what you are being told doesn’t measure up to the Word. Stick to the standard of measurement.
  • And I daresay , even in this new covid-induced normal, choreographed worship productions have caused us, against ourselves, to reduce worship to something to be watched. We find ourselves flipping through worship streams much the same we do through television channels. Remember we need to prepare our hearts, and participate even as we watch. Stay focussed, sing, kneel, respond, experience. Stick to standard of measurement.

So I stuck to the standard of measurement. I reversed into the position, guided by the line, even though when I looked at the car, rather than the line, I felt crooked.

Stick to the standard of measurement:

Dont try to measure up to the person next to you.  "...
measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise." 2  Corinthians 10:12

Stick to the blueprint. It preceded you and will be there after you leave, providing guidance to whoever ‘swings across its path’.  "Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee."  Psalm 119:11


P.S.  When I returned the car was gone; Because I stuck to the standard of measurement, another vehicle which had parked next to my own, also lined up straight.  Not only did I stick to the standard, I was also able to serve as a guide to someone else.

Be a guide to someone else


  1. You have to keep your measurements because others are taking measurements from you

  2. Amen. Others are taking measurements from you even when you think they are not looking. Ensure Christ is your standard so they will be directed to Christ.

    1. Exactly. We are His representatives; His earthly ambassadors.

  3. I concur! Sticking to the measurement is deemed "out of place," by the world standards!
    It is all about where you focus!
    Great principle Doc!

  4. Little things such as this attempts to throw us off our 'good going so far day' that started with prayer. Thank God as Christians we do the right thing.

    1. Right you are about those little things that throw us off...

  5. Well written analogy...Jesus has provided the "standard of measurement"...let's not look at the world but to Him..His line is our way mark to heaven...when we stick to it..we will not only save ourselves but those who follow after us..bless

  6. Yes indeed as christians we must consider how our actions affect others. Never be a stumbling block to others.

  7. On point. We are indeed called to be standard bearers.


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