"Stand still' in the midst of.....Part I - Cliques and Caucuses" by Petra Pierre - Robertson

Stand Still
Exodus 14:13 - Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will shew to you to day...


'Uproarious cheers rose from the various cliques and caucuses who, for once, appeared to be unified: the I work harder than everyone else Black Heron; the slyly smiling, vulnerable, cry wolf Topi Antelopes; the calculating, airborne, pirating Skuas who had actually indicated their retirement from the farm, yet were present; the devious, traitorous, usurping Cuckoo Bees who sat in the choicest seats, buzzing uncaringly; the pretentious Brown Trouts who forever wore caked, cracking smiles that stuck on their hard, masked faces; the two-faced, face-biting, over friendly, Sabre Toothed Blennys, who always greeted with Judas-hugs and kisses that those who were too gullible, or too scared to reject, accepted; the too-pretty-for-my-shoes butterflies who assumed responsibility for, stole, and cried everyone’s tears, forever leaving the putrid scent of their perfume behind, courtesy the breeze which scattered their bad vibes long after they had left - they always sat to the front where they could be seen and given likes for their facetious interest in others, their statuses enhanced by the number of likes they received; the not-ever-to-be-trusted Alligators and Crocodiles who were always on time and waiting, their teeth outside their jaws, eyes closed but twitching, the rest of their bodies alarmingly still as they imbibed all the goings-on; and finally, Livingstone’s inner circle of yes-men, in dark suits, echoing the darkness that settled across the village, which they were oblivious to, high and intoxicated as they were with perceived power, failing to recognise that the cheers that rose around them were born of nothing more than fear and a need to survive unscathed, the wrath of an impulsive, unpredictable, autocratic, micro-managing administration.' Excerpt from "The Sixth Day" by Petra Pierre - Robertson (pages 11 & 12)

It's a new year, but the old tricks remain. Remember, "It is better to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in humans..." (Psalm - 118:8-9) Let the excellent spirit shine through as it did through Daniel even though he was in captivity "Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm.." Daniel 6:3

Have a great week!


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