"Appreciating Difference: Personalities, Gifts and Talents" by Petra Pierre - Robertson

And the eye cannot say to the hand, “I have no need of you”; nor again the head to the feet, “I have no need of you.” (1 Corinthians 12:21)

"He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ". (Ephesians 4:11, 12).

"To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability". (Matthew 25:14)



Most often people and leaders are only comfortable with clones of themselves. This results in persons being sidelined and labelled because they don't 'perform' to other people's expectations.

“With the decades of Leadership he constantly boasted of you would expect that he would know that the inner circle of a leader should comprise of persons with various skills and strengths that you yourself may not possess. A leader cannot be threatened by persons who possess important qualities which he does not. Varying personality types are needed to set the vision and work the plan that all agree upon. Certainly you do not want persons around you who agree with and rubber-stamp all you say.” Oman shook his head wryly.

“Yup. He did not recognise that pivotal truism and it worked to his detriment. Leonardo is surrounded by a small circle of four possessing necessary traits – most though not all of which he himself possesses. Tiegra fiercely protects and boldly states his mind. Aquila has strength and power and is able to soar above trouble and keep the plan in sight; swooping down when it is right and necessary. Hinds is able to navigate tough, rocky situations and is very surefooted. He can actually place his back feet exactly where his front feet stepped. And Liala, she is so patient and wise, like you Oman. I don’t know how successful I would have been without your wise leadership. Thank you for your wisdom and guidance, for being my chart; I know can trust you implicitly. A Leader needs someone like you in his corner.” (The Sixth Day p. 117)

Different personalities are necessary for ministry and growth. "Matthew, a tax collector, was precise, exact, accurate. In contrast, Peter often spoke quickly and was enthusiastic and impulsive, but he also had natural leadership qualities. John was tenderhearted but outspoken' Andrew was a people person, extremely aware of his surroundings, and sensitive to others. Thomas had the natural inclination to question, and he often doubted." Sabbath School for Mobile https://goo.gl/3vHYXM


We all are differently gifted and talented

We are all differently gifted.. "He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ" (Ephesians 4:11, 12).  We all possess different talents in varying amounts. "To one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability.  (Matthew 25:14). Unforunately, there those who covet the gift and talents of others (Lucifer syndrome). 

Displacement: Square pegs trying to fit in round holes

Coveting of the gift and talents of others often leads to the problem of square pegs trying to fit themselves in round holes. A square peg only succeeds in displacing others, messing up processes and systems, and being a misfit. Persons must be allowed to function in their area of giftedness. Covetousness  has no place among God's people and should not be found among saints. (Ephesians 5:3)

Let us learn to appreciate difference, whether in personalities, gifts or talents.  Difference is necessary for ministry and the building up of the church.


  1. Amen. Be the best possible you, no one else can.

  2. Good read... the most profound statement is the last sentence "difference is necessary for ministry and the building up......"

  3. The "lucifer syndrome", so real in the world today. God help to embrace the difference in others. Great message

  4. I have certainly come to properly appreciate differences in people. It took some time to understand that I do not need everyone to think, like or function like me. I understand that differences are critical for the attainment of goals.
    No one person can function effectively without another no matter how much gifted they are. WE NEED EACH OTHER.
    "Try swallowing your food without your tongue and see how that works."
    Beautiful piece and a lesson to my heart as usual Sis Petra.
    To God be the Glory.

  5. From Vernetta Harding:
    "Hi Petra,
    Love your comment column.
    This is the second time I'm trying to log on but to no avail. Typed in my email, still nothing doing.
    What I was saying is that some covet others gifts, and also try to hinder the progress of God's Work being done through that person.
    They fail to accept that God gives gifts according to one's ability.. If we'll accept that, there will be a greater unity and love in God's church."

  6. In my early childhood/teenage years I use to believe that I had to develop the qualities of others so that I would fit in or be a part of the team (a square peg trying to fit in a round hole). Even growing up in church I would see certain individuals with certain qualities get chosen while I sat on the sidelines desperately hoping to chosen, for them to see how useful I could be. But it's only through Bible study, building a relationship with God I came to understand I was unique, I accepted being a square and I saw my importance and usefulness in any team I was apart of.

  7. Thank you for sharing. You were not a square; rather a square may have been squeezing you out of your round hole. It happens all the time...even now. People will always grab for the power and limelight. But God provides the opportunity and plants you where he wants you. When he does, with His empowerment, bloom in whatever hole you are planted :-)

  8. Its sometimes difficult to accept difference in others because we are in fact jealous of them. Sometimes as leaders, we are not sure how to appreciate or nuture difference.

    1. You are so correct. Jealousy and 'fight down' in the church is a sad reality.

  9. Beautiful I love the contrast and the content that as different as we are we have functions that is all needed for the building up of the kingdom and that we ought to be spiritually discerning in understanding what is our function and should be able to work together for that greater good of bringing others to Christ

    1. Amen. Spiritual discernment is critical, both at an individual level and at a leadership level.

  10. Insightful food for deep thought.

  11. Working with children have helped me to appreciate the differences in individuals. I am not saying it is easy but it makes life so much more interesting. These differences often bring a smile as I observe differing personalities clash and mix and eventually fit together. God truly knows what He is doing.

  12. Working with young people have help me to appreciate each individual it help us understand each other and teach us we are not equal this tell us how marvelous God is he give us our own individual personality. God is truly great

    1. We are all equal at the foot of the cross, despite our differences. :-)

  13. A truism! Can be unsettling at times but accepance of them brings peace of mind!

    1. Yes. It can be unsettling but we have to adjust. So true.

  14. We are the Body of Christ! 😊 Beautiful song!


  15. Amen. When a person true gift is made known to them, they would soar without fear of anyone or anything around them

  16. What a Boring world it would have been if we were all created the same. Seriously though, most times we misinterpret a person character because of not taking adequate time to evaluate or understand them. Sometimes it's right in our face but we don't want to appreciate we want to create.


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