The Promise by Petra Pierre-Robertson

I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth (Genesis 9:13)

A little piece

Just a little piece was visible. It was beautiful. It stood out from the dark cloud as a beacon of hope. The cloud provided a picturesque canvas on which its beauty was displayed. But just a piece. Dark ominous clouds obliterated the rest of it... And also threatened to wipe out the sight of the little piece as well.

Dark clouds obliterated

Another piece!

"Look! The other side of it is over there!"

An excited outburst.


On the other side of the sky another piece of a rainbow was also visible. Well, not exactly a piece but the other end of the selfsame rainbow. There

was an entire rainbow ringing the sky on the last day of 2023! However, dark clouds obliterated all but the two ends which stuck resolutely out.

Another piece!

The Promise

The rainbow; a promise and a symbol of hope. God had set that bow in the sky after the flood as a promise, a covenant between Him and the earth. (Genesis 9:13). As we step into 2024 (according to the Roman Gregorian Calendar) may we do so confident that He who has promised is faithful (Hebrews 10:23). You may not always see the evidence. But it is there. God will always give you glimpses of hope; glimpses of His presence. Look for it In 2024!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, a very nice promise. It gives me hope, especially how I have seen the end of the rainbow on our property. It was so beautiful and I felt blessed. Thank you for reminding me that God always shows a part of Himself. May the Lord continue to bless you.

  2. Indeed, a promise from a promise keeper. Thank You, Lord

  3. Thank God for his promises.Thank you for sharing this message Petra. We look forward for the fulfilment of His promise

  4. Amennn greatfull for God's promises...God will come through!


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