What's in the Darkness by Petra Pierre-Robertson

Daniel 2:22 "He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with him"

It was early morning. The windows were closed. The curtains were drawn. The silence of morning was therapeutic as I walked through the house planning my day in my head. Three major tasks swam in my head. I headed to my 'To Do" memo pad to document them. Thankfully no major cleaning was necessary.

As I passed the living room I noted a little debris on the rug so I digressed for the broom and dust tray to sweep the debris off the rug.

Small debris on the rug

I pulled back the curtain. The early morning sunlight seeped through. And immediately I saw them; little particles of dust in a straight line riding on the beam of the sun. Instinctively I held my breath as I walked through them. Then it occurred to me,  the particles are in the entire room. I pulled the curtain wider. Additional particles joined the ride and danced on a widened beam. 

Dust particles dancing on a sunbeam

I looked at the woodwork on which the sun settled. Particles were not just floating on the sunbeam but were also visible on the woodwork. Doubtless they were unobstrusively invisible on the cushions, tiles and other surfaces where they could remain hidden. Were it not for the sun its presence on the polished woodwork and in the atmosphere would also be hidden! Truly when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible (Ephesians 5:13).

Particles on the wood too!

The sun here can be used to symbolise Christ, the Sun of Righteousness, who illuminates and is the source of spiritual insight; who reveals what is hidden (Luke 12:2, 3)

I grabbed the furniture cleaner and cleaning cloth always available in the cupboard. As I cleaned thoughts tumbled though my mind. Without the direct glare of the sun, the surfaces had appeared clean. I was only seeing dust on the surfaces and in the atmosphere because of the direct glare of the sun. Even when the room was lightened I hadn't seen it. The direct beam of the sun had to rest on it for me to see it. Similarly, it is not enough to simply know about God. He has to touch you, to penetrate you for the true state of the heart to be revealed. Without the direct impact of the Sun of Righteousness (Micah 4:2) there is no discernment.

Additionally, it is hard to discern dust on some surfaces. For example, soft cushions, rugs and fluffy chairs in which you find comfort. This can be typified in people, scenarios, and situations that are harder to discern than others. It is like walking into a room and being affected by something you can't see but you know something is wrong. A smell, an aura, a sense of unease. You may find your sinuses irritated, or your throat tightening, or a sneeze threatening. But when you look around everything appears normal. You can't see the hidden particles. But as you move around or interact, the unease may heighten in a particular area, you may sit on the soft chair and immediately sneeze, you may move further in, settle and encounter a definite moldy scent, yet you cannot see the mold, you have to look for it. If you press some persons dust may come out much the same way it is revealed when you press a nice, soft, confortable, welcoming but dusty cushion, that needs shampooing.


What damaging particles are we unknowingly imbibing every day?

Conversely, What influence are we unknowingly spreading?

Are we also full of particles?

Do we need shampooing?

May we allow the Sun of Righteousness to shine his light to reveal the deep and hidden things that hinder our growth in Him. May He provide the illumination so we may see and know how to navigate, what to avoid, and also be mindful of what we are emitting.

What are we imbibing and emitting?

The Lord will bring to light the things now hidden in darkness and will disclose the purposes of the heart. (1 Corinthians 4:5)


  1. Great illustration in simple things!
    " particles ride and danced on a widened beam"! Whew!
    Great spiritual lesson though!

  2. Another excellent article with an outstanding object lesson from which all who take the time and read can benefit. Please continue writing these inspirational articles to the praise, honor and glory of God.

  3. Amen, very reflective! May God's presence continue to impact us for good.

  4. Beverly messaged me and asked me to post this comment since she attempted to post it but it did not register.
    "Just what I needed when I needed it. In family worship tonight I was reflecting on some of the things I see in myself of late that needs removing, but I cannot seem to get rid of it. As my husband read the word I became suddenly aware of my need for Jesus help. Only Jesus can take His washcloth (His blood) and wipe, shampoo and clean me up DAILY.
    What an awakening🙏
    God always comes on time.
    Thank you sis Petra
    B. Solomon"

  5. Powerful, beautifully illustrative, truly inspirational. Thanks for a fantastic start to my day.


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