Standout Walk by Petra Pierre-Robertson

Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did (1 John 2:6)

"Is that the walk! Is he wearing an Air Force 1? Is that the sneakers?" I blurted.

He laughed uproarously, "You identified it correctly!"

I identified it by his walk. It was a careful walk. An Air Force 1 walk. I learnt about it just the day before. The same youth had explained it to me. I had questioned him after he had burst out laughing at the sight of a group of students walking by.

"Why did you laugh?" I had asked him because I did not get the joke.

"He doesnt want to crease his Air Force"

"His Air Force?" I was still lost. Wasn't Air Force an aircraft?

So he explained, "...well there is this shoe, the Air Force 1 and it is trending for school and there are tiktok videos going around of students walking like robots so they wont crease their Air Force..." Well I had burst out laughing as well. Now, having identified it on my own, the questions suddenly hit me:

Don't crease it...


What do people see when we walk by? Do they recognise Jesus by our walk?

May we also walk carefully (Ephesians 5:15). When people see the way we walk their eyes should be drawn to Jesus much the same as my eyes were drawn to the Air Force 1 for the first time, just by the standout walk from the student.

Walk carefully

As a good librarian I also did further research on the sneakers and the walk to corroborate what the youth had told me. Here is what I found out.

The Air Force 1 Sneakers

The Air Force 1 is said the best selling shoes ever made by Nike for over three decades! Approximately 10 million pairs are sold around the world in a year. They call it the ultimate classic sneaker. Between 1982 and now (2023) there are over 1000 varieties.  It is said they can be worn with anything - formal, sport, semi formal, casual.  It is said they are a standout item so must be exposed when wearing your outfit. Or, and did I mention that they are expensive?

The Air Force 1 Walk

Apply pressure to your heels so you dont have creases. Walk flat-footed. It is said that it creases easily.

Be careful how you walk!

This brought a quote to my mind. I  believe by Doris Wright but I am not sure:

The life that lies ahead of you 

Is like a sheet of snow

Be careful how you walk on it

Or every mark will show

Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did.  (1 John 2:6)

May we walk like Jesus.


  1. As the analogy...May we all walk like Jesus did...

  2. Shall we gain the world . Walking in expensive sneaker , walking like we are in space because we don’t want to damage it . But how about walking with GOD , it don’t matter what we have on we all will walk the same way in JESUS . Love this story sis . May GOD continue blessing u and inspiring u .

  3. Grwat illustration! The message is crystal clear!!

  4. Indeed... The way we walk as Christians says a lot.

  5. As usual , great incite , unit ironed “nale “

  6. Great message we may walk high or low but if we don't walk with Jesus it's no walk at all,because walking with christ our feet will and must touch the ground from which we came from, let keep walking with Jesus


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