Keep your eyes on the road by Petra Pierre - Robertson

Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you. (Proverbs 4:25)

This blog came to mind as I was driving to work  yesterday morning. I scribbled it quickly in the car when I parked before going into the office.

In my early days of driving as a young learner, I focussed my eyes on the bonnet of the car as I tightly gripped the steering wheel. I was so scared. I didn't want to damage the car. I didn't want to crash into anything so I watched the front of the car.
   "Wait. What you looking at? The car?" The instructor blurted in consternation as he  reached over, yet again, to steer the car back to the road.
 "Yes," I responded. I wondered why he asked.
To me it was obvious that I needed to focus on the car in order to protect it.
To this day I hear his wise response. 
   "Don't let the car drive you, you are driving the car. Always keep your eyes on the road. Look where you are going. Don't look at the car. Look up ahead. You need to be aware of what is happening up ahead..."

Keep your eyes on the road

Just in case someone needs to be reminded. Don't let your circumstances drive you. You take charge.  Don't focus on where you are now.  Look up ahead. Take your eyes off of yourself and your present situation and focus on where you need to get to. 

Keep your eyes on the road.

Be blessed!


  1. Ah ah. Thanks.

  2. Thank you Lord. Help me to focus on you and not my situation

  3. Yes Ma’am! Sound counsel.

  4. Yes Focus👍🏽

  5. Well said, I needed this. Thank you for the inspiration,admonition and life lesson🙏🙏.

  6. Worthwhile counsel

  7. Indeed staying focused is key


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