CHOICES: Each Man Decideth

Proverbs 12:15 The way of fools seems right to them, but the wise listen to advice.

Eager to explore
They were recently born/ created and eager to explore. Developing senses provided awareness and mobility. This led to an eagerness to explore and experience the unknown and untasted. The creator/guardian knew well the dangers of unlimited freedom for innocent creatures who were unable to discern danger. An area was therefore created for them to play and function while they grew and developed.

An area to play, grow and develop

It was done to protect them while they were taught lessons in preparation for the controversy that raged outside of their 'safe haven'.

"You can play with toys, watch the dvds, roll on the carpet, sit in the chairs run through the rooms. All these things you may do but:
Don't put your fingers in plugs
Don't go in the kitchen
Don't touch the iron"
Don't eat except what I provide and instruct you to..

The don'ts somehow seemed more attractive than the dos. They felt so confined. They wanted to escape.  They longed for the outside. It sounded and seemed more exciting than the 'safe haven/prison'. The restrictions did not make sense.

Longing to escape

Burn to Learn
Boundaries were subtly tested until they were unwittingly crossed. 

Testing Boundaries

The taste of freedom was sweet! As they escaped, she headed straight for a don't. She  was constantly warned about the iron.  But it looked so harmless.  She reached up to where her guardian was ironing and looked her in the eye. 
 "Don't touch. It is hot'"
The guardian put the iron down intending to lead her back to her play area.

Escape! Freedom! Finally!

She innocently repeated, "Hot?", and in a split second, placed her palm on the iron. She learnt what hot was that evening. The lesson concluded with a shrill scream. She didn't go near an iron for a long time  after that. She had literally and symbolically chosen to burn to learn.
Her guardian had to stop ironing to attend to her and soothe her, until she fell asleep, safe and secure in the very haven from which she had sought to escape. 

Back in the safe haven

“Who is a God like You, pardoning iniquity and passing over the transgression of the remnant of His heritage? He does not retain His anger forever, because He delights in mercy. He will again have compassion on us, and will subdue our iniquities. You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea.” Micah 7:18-19.

Choices: Each man decideth
Dear reader, are you trying to escape and cross  what you perceive to be unnecessary boundaries which exist for your best good, though you perceive it not?

The poem by John Oxenham came to mind this morning:

To every man there openeth
A way, and ways, and a way.
And some men climb the high way,
And some men grope below,

And in between on the misty flats
The rest drift to and fro.
And to every man there openeth
A high way and a low;

And every man decideth
Which way his soul shall go.

 The choice is yours.

 As for me, I chose the Lord (Joshua 24:15)


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