Bloom Where You are planted Part II: All By Myself; by Petra Pierre - Robertson

In my blog of November 22, 2020, I promised a Part II of Bloom Where You are Planted to be entitled "Roots in the Rock".  Instead a different muse has superimposed itself – "All By Myself"

I have learned to be content regardless of my circumstances (Phillipians 4:11)

I almost mashed it. I did not see it. I didn’t expect it to be there. It was in the middle of the path, directly in front of a door. I stopped abruptly inches away from it. 

It was in the middle of the path!

The upside: “You and God are a majority.”  (Psalm 91:4). It showed resilience. It showed bravery. It showed tenacity. It was beautiful. It was blooming where it had been planted

It was blooming where it had been planted

The downside: "If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up." Ecclesiastes 4:10.  But it was in a vulnerable place. And it was all by itself. Although I stopped short of mashing it, someone else may not. It was in the wrong place. Additionally, being by itself brought vulnerabilities.

Being by itself brought vulnerabilities   

Grace and mercy

Was there hope?
Maybe it could be transplanted.
Maybe it could form the genesis of a beautiful flower garden.
Maybe a fence could be built around it.
Maybe there were more survivors like it and it was not really alone (1 Kings 18:22 & 1 Kings 19:10).  They just needed to be brought together.
In any event for it to get to this point and last so long, it had shown tenacity. It had served its purpose. It had proved a point. It provided beauty. Whatever became of it, it had lived and made an impact.

It had made it's impact

He watches me
It was now up to me, having found it, to preserve it before someone destroyed it. I looked at it. I would leave it in its habitat and monitor it.  Reader, are you also alone or by yourself? Do you think that no one cares about your circumstance?  There is in fact someone who is aware; who sees your vulnerability and who is looking down on you; monitoring you.  That person is God.  His eye is on you. If God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?  Matthew 6:30 (NLT)

God's eyes are on you

Sequel/Epilogue: God's permissive will

I saw him walking across I thought he would see it, like I did. He didn't. I gasped as he stepped directly on it without noticing it. 

Stepped directly on it without noticing it

This would never happen when God’s eyes are on us. My human limitations caused this. My human eyes are not God's eyes. I am neither omnipresent, omniscient nor omnipotent. Thankfully God is. He sees all and knows all. And if he does not protect us from it he will perfect us through it. And perchance we are stepped on and bent or broken, he has the power to put us back together again. 

Bent and broken

He has the power to rework us (Jeremiah 18:4)  I could only prop the flower up and hope for the best. God however can prop, restore, rebuild, rework and provide rebirth. We must yield to his perfect or permissive will for our lives.

God alone has the power

Let us bloom wherever we are planted regardless of the inherent vulnerabilities.


  1. Oh beautifully written and expressed. Only God can do for His created beings a marvelous things/work in our lives, but its done only when we yield ourselves to Him. The rebuilding, restoring, reworking and rebirth will be such a ray of beauti and a blessing to all around us.

    Thank you sis Petra for allowing God to use you to write and send this timely encouragement. Jesus is my restorer. I can smile again 🙂

  3. Amen!
    Beautiful and inspirational object lesson!

  4. This is so encouraging and true.
    May God continue to use you for his glory.

  5. Yes. It's only when we recognize the value of things--small or large--that we become conscious that even the smallest can be of greatest value to us. Beautiful piece. Thank you.

  6. Great inspiration. God’s plan of peace & not of evil will ensure our flower is taken to it’s expected end. I like the line ‘ if God doesn’t protect you from it, He will perfect you through it’ .. I have been blessed from this reading.


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