The Charger Needs Charging by Petra Pierre - Robertson

John 15:5 Without Me you can do nothing

I reached for my phone and pressed the power button. The screen remained unchanged. I pressed the button again, but firmer this time. Still no change. Was my phone suddenly malfunctioning? I tried one more time - nothing. Confused, I looked at the charger into which it had been plugged all night. The charger was out of power. The charger needed charging.

The charger needed charging

Now, there was a plug on the wall, close to where I had deposited the phone. But it was more convenient to move around with the charger. Sometimes I had to stop what I was doing to plug into the main outlet. I didnt have the time for that. Doing that slowed my pace down. And I had much to do. You see, the main outlet was too fixed. It was too limiting. I had to adjust my modus operandi to plug into it.

The Source was too fixed and limiting

The charger however afforded flexibility. It could be taken and used anywhere. Although it had its share of falls and maltreatment, and on one occasion had even fallen from so high and so hard that it broke, the strong, sturdy charger continued to work well. 

Worked well even though broken and under pressure

But I forgot the limitations of the charger.
Like the phone which it powered, it also needed to be powered from the main outlet - the main Vine. We are mere branches (John 15:5). The charger also needed charging. It was just an intermediary to provide strength after it had been powered by the Source (Luke 22:32). Power resides in God, not man (Matthew 28:18)

The charger is just an intermediary that also needs to be powered

To the Phones:
As much as persons/chargers may be good sources of encouragement, motivation and support on your journey, they too can run out of charge when you keep plugging into their convenience and availability. You, like them, also need to plug into the main source, Christ. Like them, you also have direct access to Christ.

You have direct access to the source

To the chargers:
How many of us are controlled by our 'To Do' lists 'Diaries' and our online calendars which are filled? Additionally we have reminders stuck on our fridges, computer screens, desks and other convenient locations that keep us going and going and going.

Controlled by Diaries and 'To Do' lists?

Pastors, Counsellors, Leaders, Supporters, Encouragers, you/we too need charging. We must plug into the main source or our charge will run out. This can be detrimental not just for us but for those we seek to empower. There is one fixed source that we all need to plug into.

Remember to plug in to the Main Source

Acts 17:28 For in him we live and move and exist.

Keep connected!


  1. Modern illustration of a bibical statement by Jesus!
    And true we need to recharge from the main source Jesus!
    Be blessed!

  2. Amen! Profound reminder....

  3. Wow.. never looked at it like that.
    Great lesson sis

  4. Thank you for this timely reminder. Plugging in to the main Charger.


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