Interconnected: Living with pain by Petra Pierre - Robertson

 "... the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work." (Ephesians 4:16)

I thought it was gone. I mean, this was years later. The days of resting, icing and elevating the injured leg were over. I had obeyed. I had done what the Orthopedic Doctor had instructed. Then came that one sharp movement. I tried exerting force to close a stiff door with my hand. My leg twisted at that awkward angle and reminded me that 'it was present with me' (Romans 7:21). It was not gone as I had thought. It was just that I had found ways of living with it. I no longer turned at a particular angle, I no longer did particular exercises, I eased the pressure off certain areas, I tried hard to avoid complacency, and I did my therapy. However in spite of my best effort, I still felt the grim effects of its presence.

Grim reminders
Sin is also an injury we have to live with. To circumvent the negative effects we have learnt to avoid particular angles (Proverbs 4:27), walk in particular directions (Ephesians 5:15), engage in particular activities (Psalm32:8), avoid complacency (1 Corinthians 10:12), and ensure and do our therapy (Matthew 26:41). Yet, in spite of our best efforts, we still feel the effects of its presence with us - the pain of death, the pain of loss, the pain of betrayal and the pain of trauma, to name a few. In the process of easing our pain, another part of the body bears the burden, and herein is our interconnectivity revealed. If you have a pain in the leg, when you stretch your arm you feel it. Your back also shares in the pain. My ligament in my knee is damaged. I have to strengthen the supporting muscles in my calves and thighs in both legs, to give support and make up for the weakness suffered by the knee. Additionally, my right leg does extra work, my back stiffens when I limp, the pain causes my head to hurt, my eyes become tiny slits and sometimes waters, and all the nerves in my body vibrate.


 "... the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work." (Ephesians 4:16)

Like it or not we are interconnected. A chain is as strong as the weakest link. When one hurts, regardless of who that person is, we all feel the effect. We all have a role to play in the healing of others whether emotionally, spiritually or physically, for the effects of broken people in church or society redounds to all of us. (Galatians 6:2).

If you are in pain right now, remember, supporting ligaments exist to help you bear your burden. Conversely, may all of us be mindful of the importance our supportive roles in the sustenance of a chain comprising weak links; which we may also sometimes be.


  1. What a way to begin my day. Thank you Jesus 🙏.
    I have been in pain since Friday to the point where I turned off my phone since then till this morning, not wanting to converse with anyone due to my Physical pain becoming mental, then emotional. It affected every aspect of my being. I awoke this morning feeling the need to stay in bed and grieve I guess, but as I decided to check my mail, the first message was Sis Petra weekly inspiration comments and I suddenly felt recharged. Here was someone who understood exactly how it feels when one part hurts the WHOLE hurts.
    I am now up, bathed, and ready to strengthen the other parts to help me through the day. Thank God I am alive and still able to function regardless of the injured /affected areas.
    Yes, I have much to be grateful to God for. May God help me and us all to go, INSPITE of our challenges and encourage a smile on some brethren face and a pep in their step as Petra did us.
    Thank you sis Petra and may God continue to use to on His time. To God be the glory 🙏

    1. Amen. Directly from God to you. I am just the tool. May God bless you as you press on in spite of your pain.

  2. True indeed, but God is faithful to His promises and I try daily to live by them.

    1. Amen. Yes. He is faithful. He has promised. Walk on in faith.

  3. Powerful analogy. Sin stains but thankfully God eases the pain and will finally eradicate.

    Our interconnectedness cannot be denied. Thanks again Petra

  4. Very thought provoking and true. God created us to be interconnected. What a wonderful God we serve.


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