Undervalued by Petra Pierre - Robertson


I chose you (John 15:10)

It was the last one. It was standing alone, outside of its box, obviously touched a lot, experimented with, and discarded. By the time I got to it, it was lying sideways, looking forlorn, and its box was nowhere, to be found. I fell in love with it immediately as I saw it. I picked it up turned it around and examined it. I wanted it.

I wanted it

   "But it may not be working. Look how used it looks." A quiet warning.

I still wanted it. I loved it. I called a Customer Service Representative (CSR). She confirmed that it was the last one."Probably not working," she shrugged while rummaging on the shelf. Seeing that my interest had not waned, she offered,

   "This is the box. Have it tested by the cashier before purchasing it. That it is here means no one wanted it. All the others were sold out."

With item in hand I made my way to the cashier. She placed batteries in it. It moved slowly

   "It isn't working properly," she said, pushing it aside

Cast Aside

I didn't care that it didn't work properly. "I still want it."

She looked at me in surprise.

   "I love it," I persisted. "Working or not, I want it. You can give me a discount," I suggested.

So they devalued it and I purchased it.

   "Guess you can tinker with it and get it to work", she kindly suggested.

When I took it home, I placed new batteries in, wiped it down, neatened it, placed it on the table, and it moved, he worked, like new....

It worked!

You know, a powerful lesson springs from this right! While we were yet sinners Christ loved us (Romans 5:8). God so loved us that he purchased us, valueless as we were, with his own blood (John 3:16)

  • His love gives us value.
  • Our worth is totally wrapped up in him.
  • We may be experimented with, touched up, discarded and devalued, nevertheless someone wants us just as we are. That someone will take us in, clean us up and neaten us, place his battery, the Holy Spirit in us, have us working like new, and, one day, he will take us to a home he is preparing where we will feast at his table with him! Until then, if we yield ourselves to be powered by Christ, His source of power keeps us going!

Stay Connected

As you face the new calendar year remember, your value is determined by a source of power outside of human elements! Stay connected to that source of power!

...you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession... 1 Peter 2:9


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