Web of Deception (and Sometimes Deceit) by Petra Pierre - Robertson


Jeremiah 9:6  You live in the midst of deception

I stepped outside to break the monotony of working online.  I was minding my own business desperately looking for at least one mango, when I stumbled into it. It was strung between the tank and the mango tree.  I stopped abruptly and cringed when I felt it against my face. The thin, almost transparent, intricately woven spider's web was not immediately visible.  On closer observation I noticed that it housed a very pretty, but probably poisonous spider that waited inert at the centre for potential unsuspecting preys (PUP) to be trapped.

Pretty Probably Poisonous Spider

Symbolisms, anecdotes, and quotes linking web with deception and deceit, immediately came to my mind.  I was almost deceived!  I raced back into the house for my phone, to capture images and document the epiphany moment.  "Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!" (Sir Walter Scott, 1808) Fast and ferocious the symbolisms came to mind on the heels of my encounter.

Web of Deception/Deceit

 Their throats are open graves; their tongues practice deceit. The poison of vipers is on their lips. Romans3:13

The web /deception/deceit is unrecognisable except one has clear vision, is cautious, pays close attention or looks carefully. Romans 16:8 …smooth talk and flattery …deceive the minds of naive people. To point out deception to others, (as I want to show to you the reader), and make it out for what it is, there must be a backdrop.    I decided to test the premise. I tried taking a picture of the spider.

An image of the spider

The web was totally invisible! The spider could not be seen clearly. I needed to angle the camera with a backdrop behind the spider in order to capture it. I utilised the leaves of the tree.  It still was not clear enough, so I utilised a solid, contrasting white backdrop. 

Deception revealed

It is the same with deceit/deception. Proverbs 26: 24 - 26 Enemies disguise themselves with their lips, but in their hearts they harbor deceit. Though their speech is charming, do not believe them, for seven abominations fill their hearts. Their malice may be concealed by deception, but their wickedness will be exposed in the assembly.  

How is the deception exposed?   It must be contrasted with something, in order to be revealed; Something solid and immovable.  I am God, I change not (Malachi 3:6). How immovable is that! The word of the Lord abides forever (1 Peter 1:25). Truth and deception are diametrically opposed, therefore in our daily experiences, the backdrop necessary to identify deception is Truth.   As we are sanctified through The Word, which is Truth (John 17:17), our characters are formed into the likeness of Christ. Like the Word of the Lord which is solid and abides forever, our character also outlives us.

Look out

As you face this new week, Don’t be a PUP (Potential Unsuspecting Prey), or you’d be trapped!  Look out for invisible webs of deceit, woven in the most unsuspecting and unassuming places by pretty (and not so pretty) spiders, to trap you.   Be steadfast and vigilant. Ensure you are covered by the backdrop of truth which fortifies your character and, against which, deceit is clearly visible.  

Psalm 120:2 Save me, LORD, from lying lips and from deceitful tongues.


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