'Well-Kept Pot Hound' by Petra Pierre - Robertson

 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people… (1 Peter 2:9)


Well kept Pot Hound

Almost everyone was walking their dog on the trail. It was a cool Sunday morning; a nice morning for walking. We were also walking; and we had a dog too. It is amazing how humans notice dogs. They notice the dog before they notice The Master. They gaze at the dog, wave to it and smile at it, before their eyes finally connect with The Master; the one responsible for the condition of the dog.  As they walk away, they look back at...the dog 

Various breeds of dogs

On this particular morning, there were various breeds of dogs; Labradors, Terriers, Mastiffs, Pompeks and even some foreign looking snow dogs (who were not here on vacation)! As the dogs passed each other, they sized each other up, straining at the leashes held tightly by their masters; each wanting to dominate the other and project themselves as the better and more powerful dog. (Sounds familiar?)  
Cooling down after a long walk

After walking for about an hour, we reassembled in the parking lot, stretching, and cooling down. A man passed by with a dog
on a leash. It was our turn to stare.
The dog was walking erect.  It had a sleek finish. Its dark brown coat was shiny.  Its eyes were bright.  The collar and leash looked smart.  The dog was different.  It stood out. 
We couldn't help bit ask, "What kind of dog is that?"
The man smiled before laughing out loud. "A Pot Hound” he responded. “The best dog"

Pot Hound! The best dog!

We couldn't help it. His amusement was infectious. We also burst out laughing.  “The best dog indeed,” we agreed, having nurtured only Pot Hounds as children.Our laughs did not affect the dog.  It stood patiently, stately and erect at the side of its master, “She broke her leg a few weeks ago but it is healing nicely,” The Master responded before continuing the trail, the leash held securely in his hand.  I looked at the stately gait of the dog as they walked away. You couldn't tell anything was wrong by looking at it. 

The master secures and maintains

We too are Pot Hounds, mix breeds, born in sin and mixed up in iniquity. We too have been broken. But like the Pot Hound, we too must stand out; we must be different.  We must walk erect in the secure hold of our Master who will maintain us if we stay bound to him. When He is done with us, He will make us look even better than those around us who possess earthly heritages and statuses that are highly considered, way above that of our humble earthly heritages and statuses. Notwithstanding that however, the response of our Master when questioned, “what kind of breed is that?”, will be a proud one. "Pot Hound! The best breed!" OR rather, let me interpret, "Sinner, saved by grace and covered with my righteousness."  In whatsoever state you find yourself this week, be a 'well-kept Pot Hound’. ‘Walk worthy of the calling you have received’ (Ephesians 4:1) 

Walk worthy of your calling despite your circumstance


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