Secure in a Shell by Petra Pierre - Robertson

The eyes of the LORD are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.  Proverbs 15:3

I stood alone watching the snail as it moved around, outside of its shell, stretching, eating and luxuriating in the blazing sun, unaware that a potential enemy was lurking. It was secure with its shell; even if there was an enemy, its shell would provide protection. 

Snail exploring its habitat

After about eight minutes of observation, I decided to test that premise. Would it immediately pull into the shell if I ventured closer? I moved very close to it.  Immediately, the soft slimy body slid back into the safety of its shell.

Snail pulling back into shell

But how safe was that shell really?  It was so easy for me to crush it; or pick it up and fling it against a wall, or in a pond, or dig the soft body of the snail out of the shell with an object. It occurred to me then that the protection of the snail at that point, was not really in the shell, but in me as I stood almost guard-like over it.  When I moved, it would be vulnerable once more; someone else may see it; and destroy it. Dear Reader of this blog, please note that like that snail, I was also vulnerable, for I was standing alone, in a deserted area, observing the snail, to the exclusion of my surroundings.  Who was watching over me as I stood watch over the snail?

But, back to the initial question.  Like the snail, do we also move around, secure in our knowledge that our shells will protect us? These symbolic shells include, finances, family support, jobs, friendships and even time? The truth is, these shells can so easily be crushed; we can be mercilessly pried from these shells.  An enemy not just lurks, but stalks, waiting to strike at the opportune moment. 

May our security lie not in our shells, which can so easily be destroyed, but in the hands of the one whose eyes are in every place, not only watching us, but also watching the evil intent of others, moreso the archenemy, towards us! 

The eyes of the LORD are upon the righteous, and his ears are open unto their cry. (Psalm 34:15)


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