" His Voice " by Petra Pierre - Robertson

“And thine ears shall hear a word behind thee, saying, this is the way, walk ye in it…” Isaiah 30:21

Just Go

   "Just Go." I stopped what I was doing and stood still. The impression was strong!  It stopped me in my tracks. But I was accustomed to checking first. To see if it made sense going. Because sometimes when I went nothing was there. Or what I thought was there wasn't there, or because I wanted it so badly, I thought God was saying “Go”, even He was saying nothing at all. So, when I heard, "Just go…" I momentarily hesitated to make the move. Instead, I turned in the direction of the familiar spot to check first, before deciding that I should go. But that strong impression; that voice! “Go now."

Are you in a similar position? On prior occasions you thought you heard go and ventured out prematurely, to the point where, when the time came to really act, you almost missed out on your blessing because you had grown weary in well doing?

You prayed but nothing happened…

You ventured out but was not rewarded…

You agonized but received no relief…

And, like Elijah, in abject discouragement you run to a cave and curl into yourself on the verge of depression? Are you still in the cave? “What doest thou [there]...?” (1Kings 19:9)

What doest thou there?

God's timing is perfect. Listen for the still small voice. It will come when God is ready for you. In His timing, not your own. And when you hear it, walk out of your cave. Don't ask questions, don't seek reassurances, shut all other interfering voices out and Just Go! Go Now! Walk in faith!

Walk in Faith

You are probably wondering; did I go without first checking? Yes, I went, and my faith was rewarded. May your faith be rewarded as you venture out under God's guidance and instruction this week!

“[Don't] be weary in well doing for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.” Galatians 6:9



  1. I can testify! Learn the voice!
    Blessings always flow!

  2. AMEN! This is the kind of inspiration we need.
    I'll keep walking even with my "limp"

  3. Amen. Faith is not a feeling. It is believing God and taking Him at His word. Act and believe that God will do His part.

  4. Amen. Recognizing the voice as the voice of God requires a relationship that means we are not yielding to our own understanding.

  5. Amen to listen to the voice to walk you must have a relationship with him, trusting His voice, looking for help to build Something for his kingdom. The thing that cause us not to walk is Pride.

    1. True. We know His voice when we have a relationship with him.


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