Shared Spaces by Petra Pierre - Robertson

 …the Lord blessed the Egyptian’s house for Joseph’s sake… (Genesis 39:5)

Shared Spaces

A recent comment by a fan of the Duke of Cambridge, Prince William, left me bemused. The prince had hosted National Health Service (NHS) staff for tea at Buckingham Palace. As he mingled with the health care providers, rain started falling.  Umbrellas were pulled out.  The prince shared his umbrella with the person with whom he was speaking at the time.  A comment in the YouTube thread read, "The young woman is so lucky to have shared an umbrella with Prince William!"  

It had me thinking. We too are a chosen generation and a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9). What about the people in our sphere of influences, our work, school, family and community? Are they also not “lucky”, but blessed, to share spaces with us? Do they benefit from the presence of God radiating through us?
Be a blessing to others!

I can't help but think of Joseph who was a servant in Potiphar’s household, yet Potiphar recognizing that the Lord was with Joseph placed everything in his care, and his entire household was blessed because of Joseph (Genesis 39:2-6). He was blessed because he shared spaces with Joseph! Then, when Joseph was a prisoner (imprisoned for something he did not do), the other prisoners and the jailer were also blessed for sharing spaces with him. For certain, wherever Joseph was, whether in the palace or the prison, persons around him benefitted because of the excellent spirit he possessed (Genesis 39:20-23).
Maintain an excellent spirit even if falsely accused and the space becomes a jail!

May persons who we come into contact with on a daily basis be blessed (not lucky), for sharing a space and interacting with us, “because the Lord [is] with[us]. And whatever [we] did, the Lord made it succeed” (Genesis 39:23). May we always carry ourselves with grace and dignity, regardless of our circumstance. May we also represent the King who loves us so much, he has made us not just heirs, but joint heirs with him! (Romans 8:17) Additionally, may we go one step further than the Duke of Cambridge did, and invite those who share our earthly spaces, to also become heirs of the King and share in the promise of our heavenly mansions as well (John 14:1-3).

Not an earthly but a heavenly crown


  1. Amen! Thank you for this encouragement. May God of help us.

  2. Excellent reminder, beautiful reading. Thanks Mrs. Petra

  3. "May we always carry ourselves with grace and dignity, regardless of our circumstance." Lord help me to no matter who shares my space.

  4. Beautiful words of encouragement and a potent reminder of our purpose in Christ.

  5. It's amazing how our daily experiences can be so enriching, spiritually fulfilling. Powerful and apt. Can Phil 2: 5 be added to show how one can be blessed in my space?

  6. Blessed and inspired to be a blessing 💗


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