"Things are not always as they seem" by Petra Pierre - Robertson



I asked for a blue Mist Sprayer, because I already had a white. On receiving the package, I noted the image of the blue device adorning the box.  I opened the box in anticipation. The device was white. I did not want another white. Disappointed, I took it out of the box, and placed it next to the other white device which I had owned for over a year. I frowned.  I reexamined the box before returning my attention to the two devices.


 "You mean to tell me I had a blue all along?'  I was so confused I spoke aloud to myself, but I did not answer back.  Instead, I placed them side by side and examined them closely.  Fast and furious the analogy came.  Fast and furious, I turned away from the clutter of work on my work-from-home-desk and started documenting the symbolisms. 

I thought I had a white, which was revealed to be blue, when I ordered a blue but got a white. 

The Symbolisms

If the blue had not been placed next to the white, I would not have known that the device I had owned for over a year, was in fact blue, and not white as I had believed.

The thought struck me, how many times have we been incorrect in our interpretations; believing our opinions to be facts, until the arrival of truth makes our error glaring? The more I looked at the mist sprayers together, the bluer the blue device appeared, when standing next to the white.

The blue appeared bluer when situated next to the white

I continued looking at them side by side. The blue continued appearing bluer in my eyes.  For error to be recognisable it must be juxtaposed with truth. I removed the white. The blue again appeared white to me.  My mind was so saturated with error, that, for me to identify the blue, I needed to always be reminded of the white; I needed to constantly bring the truth to remembrance (2 Peter 1:12).  Because I had grown to accept the blue as white, each time I removed the memory of the white device from my mind and looked at the blue, it appeared white because of my own imagination (Romans 1:21). I was being wise in my own opinion. (Romans 12:16).  I had to keep the image of the white in my mind to identify the blue as its true color (Psalm 119:11).  

Juxtapose new revelations with old perceptions

Likewise, sometimes, it is difficult to accept truth because error is so ingrained in our psyche. However, when truth is received, we can make proper interpretations by juxtaposing new revelation with old perceptions. For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known (1 Corinthians 13:12).

Now consider this. Had I been in possession of the white before the blue, I would not have mistaken the blue for white. I would have instantly identified the blue.  Once you are in possession of truth (John 17:17), any error that comes up next to, or against it, is immediately identifiable!

Walk in the light of truth!

May we never be so locked and stuck in our surmisings and interpretation of reality, that when new light is shed, we negate or get rid of it in order to maintain our faulty perceptions and opinions. May we never refuse to walk in the light of truth.  May our prayer always be:  

O send out thy light and thy truth: let them lead me… (Psalm 43:3)


  1. Loving this, sending it on a group chat Thanking GOD for his light and I pray he continues to give me Wisdom to c the light and follow in it.

  2. This also means to me that with truth only then can you detect and dispel errors

  3. So true, things really appear differently until more light is shed on them even if the light comes just from being next to a similar object. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Replies
    1. He is the same God, yesterday, today, and forevermore.

  5. Thank you for allowing God to use in sharing this message in such a time like this to encourage, inspire and bless others. To God be the Glory great things he has and is doing for and with you my sister

  6. Thank God for His truth which gives light and dispels darkness. Lord, help us to resist your enemy and Stand!

  7. May we always stand in the full Light of truth so we neer mistake error for truth. Thanks once again for truth. On another note praise God that he sent you what you wanted rather than what you asked for.


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