I Want My Daddy by Petra Pierre - Robertson


Exodus 15:2 “The LORD is my strength and my defense

Just about 3-years old, he displayed an obvious preference for his mother as did most boy children at that age. His dad laughed it off, reminiscing on the similarity in the relationship he and his brothers had with their mother as boys, while his sister displayed a preference for their father. 


One evening, his dad was tied up in what was supposed to be a short meeting. As it turned out, it was not that short, so I left for home, alone, with the toddler.  This was not a normal occurrence.  We usually drove home together after church.   When I drove up, the house was dark. As I got out of the car to open the gate, he clung to me and fearfully whispered, “I want my daddy.”

I was stunned.

But mommy is here, I responded, expecting him to be pacified by my soft assurance.

“No!” his eyes widened, and his request became more urgent.  He pushed at me and looked fearfully around, “I want my daddy!”  He started whimpering.

"I want my daddy!"

Have there been times in your life when, during uncertainty, fear, and trouble, notwithstanding the presence of kinship and friendships, you just want your daddy?   You just need the stolid assurance of His presence? There is something about the presence of a father which is different to the presence of a mother.  In his fear that night, my toddler wanted the strength and defense (Exodus 15:2) his father’s presence represented.  Even though I assured him, “mommy is here”, it was not enough for him.  Even though he usually displayed a preference for me.

Protect, Provide and Mentor

Today I applaud all fathers who take their role seriously.  Continue to protect and provide positive examples for your children.  May your mentorship be such that, notwithstanding that they have grown and have obvious preferences in friends and relatives, when they face situations that warrant your mentorship, leadership, and example they will reach out to you, and not be ashamed to affirm, “I want my daddy…”


  1. Donnica123h@gmail.comJune 20, 2021 at 7:30 AM

    When we are faced with situations...when fear overtakes us...we recognize the importance of our Father..God...many many times...we have to.cry out...when we have found ourselves in situations beyond our control -
    ."I want my daddy!!" Well said.

  2. Every child should have a father's care and love! God created father's as unique as he did mothers! It was never God's original intention for any parent to substitute for the other.
    What a marvelous God!

  3. I loved it
    as usual you’re an insightful &
    thoughtful writer

  4. Denise Francis-FoxJune 20, 2021 at 9:32 AM

    Yes. Daddy signifies assurance and protection.

  5. My son chooses me to do what is needed even if my husband is there. My husband is a quiet presence. He's very talkative but that's in social circumstances. At home he's the quiet presence and my son has accepted that from birth. But, he cannot be absent when he's supposed to be present. "Where's Daddy?" is the question I get. Daddy has to be there at his accustomed times and in place to be found upon request and if he's not, that question is followed by "I miss my daddy." No tears, no fuss just the words and the obvious concern that it's time for that quiet presence to make himself felt.

    1. The assurance of his presence. Just need to know daddy is there. Powerful

  6. 😊 I can relate, there is no better feeling of having a father to protect. So thankful God in heaven is such and more.

  7. For real. Big man and all "need my daddy" ----when the going gets tough.

  8. After not having the love of an earthly father or knowing him as time went by I have learned to accept my heavenly father who alone knows my weaknesses and strength and who alone can lift me up when I fall,I can also trust him with my life.

    1. When your mother and father forsake you, then the Lord will take you in (Psalm 27:10). What a promise.

  9. wow sis what a true story I want my daddy my wife does tell me the same my son 18 now does when am not around in situation always ask where is daddy or y daddy not around .I does say in my mind sometime I feel my wife just saying so .but your story have assure me 100% it's TRUE. blessing to u and your family

    1. Yes. The presence of a daddy is different to the presence of a mommy and vice versa. This experience varies among children. It is a presence based on their unique perspectives and experiences. Nevertheless it is a presence they all crave.


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