By the Answer of his Mouth by Petra Pierre - Robertson


Good Morning!

“A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good is it!” (Proverbs 15:23)

Have you awoken with a song on your lips? Then, after topping up with a good devotion and positive outlook for the day, you venture out and, vaps! Disrespectful, unpleasant, in a mood, bad vibes, trouble, or all of the above are thrown at you?  

Jus so...?

I went into the grocery. I wanted to get out quick. COVID-19 was still a real threat, so I didn’t go often. I beckoned to a young worker (who appeared to be a trainee since I had never seen her before), to assist me in retrieving an item. She came instantly. She was pleasant. Most of the employees at that supermarket were. 
Good Customer Service

Upon retrieving the items, she told me to go in the line for customers with 1 - 10 items. I had ten 'bib records' but about 17 items...(librarians would understand. Lol). Put another way, I had ten unique items: about seven were second copies. I gave her a profuse 'thank you' before proceeding to the equally young cashier. The cashier grumbled something under her breath as I loaded the items on the conveyer "I am counting duplicate items as one," I said sweetly. I was determined to keep my song in my heart. “A man hath joy by the answer of his mouth: and a word spoken in due season, how good is it!” (Proverbs 15:23)

Processing words to speak

After cashing, I said thank you and proceeded to pack my bag. The, also young, cashier made no attempt to assist me. (BTW, everything did fit in one bag). Instead, she walked over to the young trainee who had assisted me and started speaking animatedly to her. Her body language suggested that what she said may not have been pleasant; that she was perhaps berating the trainee for her act of kindness. The trainee looked clearly uncomfortable. I stared deliberately at the interaction.

Deliberately stared at the interaction

After carefully packing, (while keeping a song in my heart and a smile on my lips), I proceeded to the trainee.
"Don't let anyone steal your joy." I gently shared.
By then the cashier was returning. I looked deliberately at her before continuing to speak to the trainee.
"You are responsible for your peace and contentment. Never, ever, forget that."
"Thank you," she softly responded.
The cashier, clearly uncomfortable, tried busying herself at the machine, although there was no customer in line for her to attend to. Her eyes could not connect with mine as I looked back at her before skipping out of the supermarket.
Skipping out of the supermarket

Sometimes people cross your path just to upset your spirit. Don't let them steal your joy. Remember your morning devotion. When external circumstances threaten your equilibrium. remember, peace is caused by the presence of the Holy Spirit, notwithstanding ever present and ever ready triggers. Sometimes you need to be silent; at other times you need to speak "in due season" for, as an earring of gold, and an ornament of fine gold, so is a wise reprover upon an obedient ear. (Proverbs 25:12) 
Wise reproof + Obedient ear = Fine Gold

Let the Spirit lead. Morning devotion helps! May you keep a song in your heart as you engage in your various errands in the new week ahead! 


  1. What a lovely anecdote. I totally enjoyed it. That was a nice support to give encouragement to the young lady who assisted with the items.

    1. So true. The pleasant ones do need the encouragement.


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