The Mask by Petra Pierre - Robertson


"Bright eyes gladden the heart..." Proverbs 15:30 

On April 29, 2020, at the daily press briefing, the Chief Medical Officer officially began the operationalisation of the 'New Normal'. This he said, was the forerunner to any possibility of easing restrictions arising out of COVID-19. He introduced six aspects of the 'New Normal', one of which was the wearing of masks.

Covered faces and expressionless eyes

It was and still is startling to move around amid covered faces and mostly expressionless eyes. With lips now covered, eyes which in the past, some could NOT look directly into while communicating, are now the only means of communication. The act of greeting must now be communicated with the eyes rather than lips which, can twitch but not necessarily smile. A smile lights up the eyes. Lips may deceive; eyes don't. So, while the mask hides the face it reveals the personality.  With the new normal, eyes expose masked feelings when they either glance, stare, look away, blink close or flutter. Warm or cold, liquid or glacial, crinkling or fluttering, with or without recognition, the eyes are a window to the soul. The physical masks have stripped the psychological masks, and are allowing glimpses into real souls; if we care to look. 

If we care to look

May what we encounter, if we look, NOT cause us to cry out: “Turn Your gaze away from
me, that I may smile again..." (Psalm 39:13)

"...that I may smile again..."

PS: Around this same time last year, the 'new normal' was imposed, so restrictions could be lifted. Now because the 'new normal' was 'lifted' (by irresponsible behavior) restrictions are now imposed.


  1. Through our eyes, may others gain encouragement, hope and comfort. Truly inspiring. Blessings

  2. "So, while the mask hides the face it reveals the personality." This piece challenges me because it reveals that I may actually know less about personalities that I perceived I knew well! Scary! #powerofthemask

  3. Its always said that the eyes are the portal to the soul. May others see kindness in our eyes.

  4. Our eyes says a lot about us it is the window to our soul it say when we are happy or sad so true some of us we never look at others in their.

  5. "eyes which in the past, some could NOT look directly into while communicating are now the only means of communication."

    So true!
    My take, communicate truthfully!

    Thank you for your insightful observation!
    You have added to my spiritual library!

  6. Indeed. Got to have new vision.

  7. Well SAID PETRA 🙏🙏✍️👍Wen we See a crinkle eye it may be a SMILE return it
    BUT When we think its a frown say a PRAYER 🙏🙏
    SAFE DAY✍️✍️🙏🙏👍

  8. Tte eyes do not lie they tell the story of our emotions joy , sorrow , sanity , insanity , kindness, gentleness , love , anger , frustration etc. As we look we need to have the eyes of discernment and to accurately read the message being conveyed without words

  9. The power of the mask! It has been training us to learn to identify persons by their eyes, which has been quite interesting.


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