The Comfort of the Promise by Petra Pierre - Robertson


 "...I will come again …"   John 14: 3 

He bolted upright in the bed seconds before scampering from under the blanket.  He ran out of the room on hearing the sound of the opening of the garage door; a sound which alerted him to his father’s departure.  He was not going to be left back today! 

   “Can I come with you daddy?”  he trailed sleepily behind his father.

   “You are not yet ready.   Get some more sleep. I will return for you.”

I will return for you

He ran back into the room rummaged through the closet; pulled out his track pants,  t-shirt and socks, laying them out neatly on the bed; then he ran to the utility room for his sneakers, ran to the veranda and set them by the door. Then, secure in the promise of his father’s return, he climbed back into his bed, rolled on his side and fell back asleep.  And while his father tarried he slumbered and slept (Matthew 25:5)
sleeping amidst noises

I musingly pondered the scenario as I engaged in my usual Sunday morning activities.  He slept as I moved noisily around, pulling pots out, sweeping, opening and closing doors.  How deep was his sleep? I wondered. The phone rang. His father was on his way and he needed to go out to meet him  (Matthew25:6), when he sounded the horn by the gate.   Yet he continued sleeping peacefully.  

He continued sleeping peacefully

Was he so secure in the comfort of the promise, he was in danger of missing out on the actual fulfilment? I walked into the room with the phone.  “Is someone going tennis today?”  His eyes flew open. He bolted upright in the bed, dragged on his clothes, rushed into the bathroom, washed his face, brushed his teeth and raced to the veranda for his shoes. When his father’s horn sounded he rushed to the door fully geared for a session of tennis.

fully geared and ready!

Our heavenly father has also left us with a promise.  I will return for you (John 14:3).  The child set his physical gears on the bed.  I am putting on my spiritual gears right away – helmet of salvation, breastplate of righteousness, sword of the spirit, loins girt with truth, feet shod with preparation of the gospel and the shield of faith (Ephesians 6:14 - 17). Perchance I fall asleep I want my gears on, like a soldier, ready to advance when the cry goes forth -  He comes! (Matthew 25:6). 

 "Therefore be ye also ready" (Matthew 24:44)


  1. Amen. Let's be ready and by God's grace help others get dressed as well.

  2. Praise the Lord! I don't wanna be left out!

    1. Indeed, I don't wanna be left out either. Have to always be ready. Thank you for this word.

  3. Yes! I need to continue being ready!

  4. Yes! I need to continue being ready!

  5. Watch and be ready, for we know not the day of the masters appearing.

  6. Thanks for the reminder and encouraging message in bringing God's promises to help us face reality.

  7. Amen. Lord, may I always be in a state of readiness so that when you come I will not be found "sleeping."

  8. That promise brings comfort to my soul.. I Will Come For You!! Beautifully explained with JJ and his daddy; not forgetting his mommy's secret attempt to awake him. Each individual in the story played a special and important roll. May we be found waiting and prepared to meet Him.

  9. šŸ¤²thank You Lord for having me ready for the day that Jezus will return.
    I'm so thanfull for your grace on me and all my brothers and sisters.

  10. Maurine Kroes☝️April 12, 2021 at 9:29 AM

    Yes Father God Almighty.... your grace is sufficiƫnt for us all. We live only on your grace for and sisters....

  11. inspirational blessing to u sis

  12. Its interesting how Gods word can come alive in our everday situations .
    Lord let us be ever ready


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