Consider the Birds: Part 2 'They Always Sing' by Petra Pierre - Robertson

Sing among the branches

Psalm 104:12 (ESV) The birds of the heavens...sing among the branches.

 "I thought birds sang sweetest in the morning. But I was wrong. They sing all through the day. I just didn't hear them since I was never home to listen...and even when home, the noises - cars, people, movement- crowded them out...but now...I hear them. They do sing...all through the day... #StayAtHome" (Petra Pierre - Robertson, April 23, 2020)

 Ironically, exactly one year ago today, I came to this startling realization as I ‘worked from home’ in silence, during the height of lockdown, because of rising cases of COVID-19. Birds always sing!  

They don't only sing when they are happy, They don’t only sing only when they are free… 

Singing a regular part of their daily activity

They sing when they are working

They sing when it is raining

They sing when clouds are dark

They sing when big dogs bark

And although the songs differ based on the emotion or situation, we simply hear the beautiful singing of the birds, and exult in the execution.  Here are a few such executions I enjoyed:

Singing - a regular part of their daily activity 

They sing when it is raining

They sing when clouds are dark and big dogs bark

    “You look like you have no problems. Nothing bothers you” Has anyone ever said this to you or commented that you are always pleasant, peaceful and smiling, when in reality you are really stressed and grinding?  Just as the birds continue to sing different songs for different experiences yet we hear one song, may we be able display different smiles through our varied experiences - a wry smile, a peaceful smile, a pensive smile, a happy smile, a sad smile. Despite the differences in the smile, persons looking on will see just a smile; much the same as you just hear just a song, and it will encourage them, as the birdsong encourages you.

Encourage others with your smile as the birds encourage you with their song

What makes that possible? The love, mercy and faithfulness of God. His love is steadfast; His mercies are new every morning; His faithfulness is assured (Lamentations 3:22&23). The singing of the birds in the silence of the morning is a reminder of those promises and attributes of God.

 Competing Sounds

On the flip side, sometimes we do not always hear the sweet music of the birds because various competing sounds drown them out.  The sounds of cars, the rising sound of voices as humans rouse from sleep and engage in daily activities, the literal and symbolic walls of our varied concrete jungles at our workplaces, churches or homes,  oftentimes muffle the sounds of the birds.  Although we may not always hear the birds, they are constantly singing. Sometimes we just need to blank out or separate ourselves from the stressors to be soothed by the music. In so doing, we will hear them above the literal and symbolic noises that seek to drown them out.  Consider the birds. Their song can serve to bring a smile to your face in spite of.  

Blank out the stressors and listen to the birds

“…sing to the LORD, all the earth  (Psalm 96:1).


  1. Certainly soothes the spirit! The ability to sing to God is a privilege and blessing!
    Thank you P!

  2. I truly appreciate the opportunity to pause and listen through your ears

  3. That's why I love the Sabbath. A time for us to stop and reflect on Gods beautiful creation. The beauty all around us, all day, that we are too busy to notice. These beautiful creations connects us to our Heavenly Father and gives us the ability to sing, just like the birds in every circumstance.

  4. Yes Petra, very enlightening observations. God had a plan when He created the birds the day before the creation of man. Tammana Begum wrote that "In a recent survey conducted by the Museum, 73% of people reported hearing louder bird song during the COVID-19 lockdown in the UK.

    "Many said it comforted and calmed them at a time of crisis - and research shows it really could help improve our mental health.... ( How listening to bird song can transform our mental health, 2020 )."
    I guess we should all be listening to the birds more often...maybe at least once a day before each meal... :-)

    1. Just look at that! The awesomeness of God's creation is supported by the research!

  5. I love to sing myself. Regardless of the situation. Singing carries my mind heaven ward and helps me forget about my own worries. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Oh yes Dymonne. Don't I know it! And you do it beautifully.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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