God is Constantly Worshipped by Petra Pierre - Robertson

 “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come “ (Revelation 4:8)

It was evening worship.  The family gathered. We sang together, as we always did whenever we met.  Before the day ended we worshipped and prayed.  The song – The Day thou Gavest.  We knew the words by heart. As children we had sung that song a lot in family worship.  Now, as adults, we sang it again, as the sun sank, drawing the curtains on another day, against the backdrop of the blend of our voices.

As o'er each continent and island
The dawn leads on another day,
The voice of prayer is never silent,
Nor dies the strain of praise away. 

At the end of the song, we shared testimonies and promises with each other in preparation for the new week ahead. It was daddy’s statement that formed the thesis for this blogpost.  He recited stanza 3, linking the verse with a deep and profound statement as confidently he posited, “God is constantly worshipped...”

Immediately it struck me. When one worships in the morning, someone else is worshipping in the evening.  While the sun was setting in our part of the world, it was rising in another.


I remembered the first time I travelled across time zones. It was about 10pm when we left Trinidad destined for London. The flight was expected to last about 9 hours. Early in the flight persons started reclining into sleep positions. “Ensure and sleep before we cross time zones” I was warned by my seatmate. But, being my curious self I did not sleep. I was determined to experience the cross over from one time zone into another. About four to five hours into the flight, I looked out the window. I saw it in the distance. It was like a thick straight line drawn across the sky. Enthralled my eyes were fixated on the line. We were flying in darkness but in the distance it was light. I was fascinated. I waited expectantly for the crossing. As I watched the line, I thought of why early sailors felt they would fall off the earth if they sailed to the edge of the horizon. But as we drew closer, there was no edge, instead there was a seamless flow from the darkness of midnight into the light of noon. The midnight of one time zone gave way to the afternoon of another. Just like that we were instructed to adjust our watches.  Just like that it was the afternoon of the day that moments ago we were five to six hours away from. Just like that I had also lost a night's sleep. The thought was giddying. 

Seamless transition

The affirmation was true.  God is constantly worshipped courtesy the turnings of the very earth that He made to worship Him.  Even as the angels around the throne constantly cry “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come “ (Revelation 4:8), so too, women and men, across the world, constantly provide praise to the Almighty God. Truly, the voice of prayer is never silent, Nor dies the strain of praise away. Unbroken praise ascends to God across the earth because of varying time zones! Next time you sing the third stanza in 'The day thou Gavest', sing it with new understanding!

Sing with the understanding...

Be Blessed!

Contact Petra Pierre - Robertson

Website: www.pierrerobertson.com

Instagram: petrapierre_robertson

You Tube Channel: Petra Pierre - Robertson


  1. Praise God at all times.
    He's almighty.

  2. God is always worshipped. This is a new a profound statement that would stay with me forever. Thank you for this insight. Thank you God for taking the simple things of life and making true meaning to our existence.

  3. Amen! The opportunity is always there to worship! Thank you for the enlightenment!

  4. I love this. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Amen! I will sing that song with a new meaning from now on.

  6. Beautiful ....I could so relate to this.

  7. Excellent read. OUR GOD DESERVES OUR WORSHIP.

  8. Ardalene Bess
    Indeed He is worthy to be worshipped. I love the connection between the song and the time zones. The constant worshipping of God. Amen


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