Attacked! by Petra Pierre - Robertson

 "Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him." (James 1:12, KJV)

Full, Fluffy, Flawless Flower

They were so pretty. I loved taking pics of them. Especially the full, fluffy, flawless ones! I didn't know the name of it. I think they called it Rabbit Ears. It was nestled between Jacob's Coat and a Palm plant. They were planted in the same row, in the same soil, watered the same way, received the same sunshine and rain and were exposed to the same elements.  I admired them almost every day as I walked through the yard.

Same Row, Same Soil, Same Elements

Meanwhile, on the other side of the yard, in another bed, another Rabbit Ear wasn't doing too well.  He too was positioned next to the Palm and Jacob's Coat, like his compatriots on the other side.

On the other side

Because he looked so weak and forlorn, we switched the positions between him and a stronger one from the other side. We placed him where the others appeared to be thriving with the hope that he would benefit from what appeared to be a better environment. We placed the stronger one where he had been.

Then one day we came outside to an awful sight. An attack had taken place! The Rabbit Ear family had succumbed!

Firm, Fluffy, Flower Attacked

Transplantation does not always work: We pondered our next move. For certain things were not always as they seemed: in more ways than one. The soil was better but the attack was greater! We had transplanted Rabbit Ear to where we thought he would thrive in rain and sun, but he was attacked by a predator – double whammy! The one we had placed in what we believed to be inferior soil continued to stand! We had switched him to weaker soil which turned out to be a blessing to him because he was saved from an attack!  This brings to mind Genesis 50:20  “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good …”  Lesson Learnt:  Don’t question your adversity. You just don’t know what you may be saved from through apparent adversity and misfortune.  

Placement in adverse conditions was a blessing in disguise

Same environment, soil, and predator but different reaction
Let me return to the other side. The Rabbit EarsJacob’s Coat and Palm plants, were all in the same symbolic pew, living in the same symbolic house, working in the same symbolic place, yet reacted differently to what would have been the same attack  (or perhaps the vulnerable Rabbit Ear was singled out for an attack). Whatever the nature of the attack, while the Rabbit Ear family succumbed, Jacob's Coat and Palm, located right next to them, rose and bloomed in the same soil, although they may have been exposed to the same attack.

Exposed to the same attack but  different outcomes

Regardless of where you run to, in an attempt to escape whatever you feel you cannot face or handle, remember it is not the external environment but your attitude, resilience, faith and other internals that make the difference! Additionally, the grass is always thought to be greener on the other side, but is it really? And even though it is greener, what other elements are hidden from your view based on where you currently stand?  Can you face those elements with your current attitude?  How can you contend with horses if footmen weary you and break you down? (Jeremiah 12:5)

From your vantage point, the grass may look greener

May God cover us with grace, endow us with resilience and guide us with wisdom so we may continue to stand even as we face potentially debilitating attacks at our most vulnerable points.

And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast (1 Peter 5:10)

Set the Lord always before you (Psalm 16:8) and hold on!

Contact Petra Pierre - Robertson


Instagram: petrapierre_robertson

You Tube Channel: Petra Pierre - Robertson


  1. You always write at the time I need it most, it was a great reminder of the goodness of our heavenly father...may God continue to bless your hands.

    1. Amen. God's got you. He knew just whom this was intended blessed!

  2. Amen Powerful and so many lessons there for us a house hold where all siblings grow up in the same home are thought the same values but one turns out to be a criminal or a drug addict and the other siblings are confused because we all grew up together in the same home worshipped prayed and played together were thought the same values but yet you ended up here how so it seems that sibling was not taking heed to the admonition and guidance that was give he saw it as foolishness and my parents don't know what they talking about so he chose his own path outside of what he was thought

    1. Correct. All receive the same tools, but each has to make an individual choice.

  3. Thank you for the inspiration today Petra. Indeed, the grass may actually be greener on the other side, but does one have the attitude to handle the unseen. That part, stood out to me. Deep lesson in that. Blessings.


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