“Who do you say I am?” by Petra Pierre - Robertson

Matthew 16:15 “But what about you?" he asked. "Who do you say I am?"

Who do you say I am?

Random: That is not a nice person

  Do you know that person?  Have you met that person before now?

Random: No

Then how can you say that

Random: I get it from a good source

Bush for drinking (and perhaps hiding too)

The local saying 'doh drink bush tea (to sweat) for other people fever' can be applied here.  In the above encounter, a person harbours ill will, and has negative feelings for someone she/he doesn’t even know, largely because of something someone else has intimated. 

Don't drink tea to sweat for another's fever

My mind runs back to Christ.  So many negatives were bandied about him; he was a glutton; a terrible trait alluding to a person who is greedy, had a voracious appetite.  He was also accused of drinking a lot to the point where he was called a winebibber; a term used to describe a habitual drinker of alcohol.  To compound the lies, it was discussed in religious cliques and caucuses that he engaged in these activities with sinners and hated tax collectors.  Luke 7:34 "The Son of Man has come eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Look, a glutton and a winebibber, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’" Additionally, when he spoke the truth about who he really was, he was falsely accused of blasphemy!

False accusers abound

Does this feel or sound familiar?  Like an experience you have perhaps had?  The truth is, according to Romans 8:17, if we are children of God, then we are “heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.” 

The people who were talking negatively about Christ, did not know him personally.  They did not have a relationship with him; did not spend time with him. They had heard about him, and sought to judge his actions based on their intrinsic biases and perverse intentions.  Unfortunately, some of them were also drinking bush tea and sweating for other people’s fever.  Had they personally spent time with Christ, they would have realised how false the accusations and gossip really was. Fortunately, none of that either distracted Christ or deterred him from his mission.

Don't be distracted by talk

Who do people say that you are?  Have these people spent any time with you at all?  Are they perhaps drinking tea not meant for them?

Perhaps drinking tea not meant for them

Press on with your mission wherever you are positioned at work, church, the community and elsewhere.  Like your mentor and example, Christ, do not be deterred by the ole-talk and gossip that may perhaps be bandied about you!  Keep walking in your purpose!

Have a productive week!

Contact Petra Pierre - Robertson

Website: www.pierrerobertson.com

Instagram: petrapierre_robertson

You Tube Channel: Petra Pierre - Robertson


  1. Great inspiration to start the week! Blessings to the author!
    Powerful thought!

  2. Lord help me not to drink tea not meant for me .And let me walk in my purpose.
    Blessings to you have a productive week as well.

  3. Continue your good work using the episodes and sayings of the Bible to teach practical things.

  4. Thks for the info and help me not to judge others be bless my friend

  5. Petra you see this one.... omg. This is for ME. The way you describe how people could speak about you without even knowing you and be dead wrong.. this is for me. I have felt like this for yearssssss growing up. Always mis-judged or wrongly perceived. And it hurt alot to be honest. But I'm encouraged that in your blog you stated Jesus didnt let those opinions and notions deter him or his mission. And that hit home for me. Thank you.

    1. Don't let the talk deter you. It may hurt, but keep focussed on your mission and walking in your purpose. Set the Lord before you and don't be moved (Psalm 16:8) or distracted. :-)

  6. A very inspirational reading. I have not been responding to others who think I said or did something I really did not say or do. I wished they knew the truth but I didn’t bother to say anything; especially when I believe it didn’t matter to them I Trust Christ with all things.

    1. Good decision. Let God vindicate. Like you He uttered not a word. His character spoke. Keep walking in your purpose.

  7. There are persons who spend time with you and yet come up with the wrong concept of who you are. That's ok too. I tend to say, no one has ever lied on me. That's their perception of who I am. That's what they met in their encounter. I embrace that I'm multifaceted. Diamonds are multifaceted so that they can reflect light. Sometimes the light is just too much for some and they feel the need to move and be apart. That's fine. I know who I am and I just keep being me. There are yet others who are actually afraid of the light or jealous of the light. Whatever... knowing the purpose for being, really settles you into acceptance, and acceptance brings a peace that passes all understanding.

    1. Amen. Well said. Know your purpose for being and be guided by by Him who formed you in your mother's womb. He knows you!

    2. This may sound simple but it is very deep it could also save me from going to hell on things that I find myself being the judge

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. OMG.Petra you are on point!! This is for my friend, i will pass it on to her. Keep walking in your purpose.Wow!!

  10. Perfectly said..🙏🏽


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