The Shadow by Petra Pierre - Robertson


Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow...  (Psalm 63:7)

Your shadow hovers over me, reminding me you are very close

I remember observing the image of a cloud blocking the sun. The result was a dark shadow.  It reminded me of quote I read in one of my morning devotionals  When things are darkest Lord, it is the darkness of your shadow hovering over me , reminding me You are very close… (‘Songs From Heaven and Earth’ Marlee Alex, p10)

Shadows exist because of the presence of the sun

This imagery is encapsulated nicely in Psalm 91:1 “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.”  Of course that is only possible when one considers that the shadow exists because of the presence of the sun.  Therefore, when clouds of afflictions, burdens, persecutions, failed relationships and varied uncertainties, form, gather and hover, remember, the ensuing shadow represents the presence of the sun and not the power of the affliction.  Instead of believing that God has rejected you and turned his face away from you (Psalm 88), may your prayer instead be, Lord “hide me in the shadow of your wings…” Psalm 17:8.  Affirm as the Pslmist did,  “because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.” (Psalm 63:7)

Are things dark and uncertain right now?  Draw assurance from the fact that the shadow is indicative of the presence of the sun.  Clouds don’t last forever. They will shift or dissipate, and, “... unto you that fear (His) name shall the Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings..." (Malachi 4:2)

The Sun will arise!

Be Blessed!

Contact Petra Pierre - Robertson


Instagram: petrapierre_robertson

You Tube Channel: Petra Pierre - Robertson


  1. Indeed the sun must be there to provide a shadow. Such hope lies in that simplicity

  2. This is truly amazing! Thank you for the reminder! This "shadow" theme was recently preached at church! It seem that this is what God's spirit wants us to understand! Thank you for the confirmation!

  3. This reading is a gentle reminder to me. Telling me that God is still with me. The sun won't hide forever. Thank you. šŸ˜Š

    1. Yes. He is with you. The clouds won't last. The 'Son' would :-)

  4. Amen! God's constant presence with His children.

  5. Awesome reading. Simple but powerful. HaƱlelujah. (Jamila Nicholls)

    1. So true! Indeed He uses simple lessons to teach profound truths!

  6. So often we are afraid of shadows. The solution I guess is to "abide" in God regardless...Timely reminder.

    1. Yes. Once we abide in God the shadow is indicative of his abiding presence!

  7. The sun presence in the sky is felt by all who stand in its rays.. same way too.. Gods presence is felt as we stand in His rays of righteousness

  8. Yes. Thanks for this reminder Sis!


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