"One size fits all"? (OR All sizes fit one?) by Petra Pierre - Robertson


"One size fits all"?

The phrase ‘one size fits all’ is normally used to refer to an item, product, decision, style, procedure, solution and the like, that fits, is suitable for or can be applied or used in all instances, or for all circumstances.  It represents standardization, uniformity and consistency.  

But is this true?  Does one size really fit all?

Does one size really fit all?

 All sizes fit one

In my interactions with a WhatAapp group consisting of Advent Fellowship Alumni from the UWI, St Augustine, an alternative struck me -  All sizes fit one.  So, requested by Desmond, pushed by Barry and inspired by the chatty Advent Fellowship Alumni group members, this blog is dedicated to Advent Fellowship Alumni of The University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus.

All sizes!

“All sizes…”

They come in all shapes and sizes:

Different unique perspectives
Different  unique world views
Different unique qualifications
Different unique accomplishments
Different unique contributions

And in their differences and uniqueness they all contribute to the oneness of the group, whether the discussion is theological, political, social or academic.  “…as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body…* (1 Corinthians 12:12),  so is this group with varying qualifications, locations and perspectives.  Differently expressed, sometimes saying the same from many angles, their unique differences pool into a rich repository that all benefit from. 

One body, many (different) members

Difference facilitates a rich discourse.  I can imagine that such a discourse is probably what caused Jesus, at the age of 12, to be so engaged and engrossed, listening to and questioning the rabbis and scribes, that he did not even take notice of the fact that his parents had left for home without him. He was engaged with the scriptural intelligentsia so to speak.

“…Fit one”

Each person takes what is relevant to and suitable for her/his own experience and responds as appropriate within and around each other.  Some do not respond; but something is taken nonetheless.  All benefit from the different sizes.  Compare with the day of Pentecost when the disciples spoke in one language but all heard in their different languages. In the Advent Fellowship WhatsApp group, one person posts and the interpretations are myriad!  


One flower but they are not the same

One flower but they are not the same

One flower but they are not the same

With all our differences, we are one group. Our alma mater is The UWI; we were all once members of Advent Fellowship whether at St. Augustine, Cave Hill or Mona; some of us more than one.  What binds us as a group?  One God; One hope; One faith of our calling.
Ephesians 4:4&5

May our differences unite us, teach us to be tolerant, patient, longsuffering and non-judgmental.  May it also help us to study more to see whether these things are so. Led by the Holy Spirit, may it lead us to God who alone makes oneness and unity possible, despite differences.  And may we pass on a rich legacy to those who are to come after us.


Those who come behind us

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Contact Petra Pierre - Robertson

Website: www.pierrerobertson.com

Instagram: petrapierre_robertson

You Tube Channel: Petra Pierre - Robertson


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