Consider The Birds: Part 1 ‘They Neither Sow, Reap nor Store Away. Yet…’ by Petra Pierre - Robertson

Look at the birds...

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?  (Matthew 6:26)

In my blog “The Compost and the Ackee Tree”, dated November 22, 2020, I promised to return to the birds in another blog. I know this is a little late in coming but notwithstanding my apparent lateness, God is an on-time God, so here it is.  For the next three weeks, I will share three lessons from the birds in this three-part blog.  This week’s lesson, ‘They neither sow, reap nor store away.  Yet…’. Put another way, they have no job, no earnings and no assets. Yet…’

Fruit aesthetically laid out on the counter

My fruits for the week were aesthetically set out on the counter.  Covid-19 had shut the world down.  A number of persons were either temporarily laid off, or had received slashes in their salaries.  All who were employed, with the exception of those deemed ‘essential services’, were working from home. Full lock-down was in effect. It was Monday. The blues were a darker shade given Covid-19 realities.  My work-at- home week had begun. I closeted myself in a room-turned-office. Work was in progress. Concentration was deep. It was silent.

Lock-down:  Working at home

Way beyond what was supposed to be lunch time I exited the room to find something to eat.  

A flutter. 

I jumped! 

Wildly it flew around. It was as surprised to see me as I was to see it. It had flown from the direction of the counter. Heart thumping, I looked to the counter. Aesthetics were spoiled. Recently purchased, healthy, firm, big yellow bananas were eaten.


Bird-eaten banana

The quiet house had fooled the bird into thinking the coast was clear. So he had swooped into the wide-opened window to find food. The bird 'had a good time with the banana' while we worked virtually and quietly in our separate spaces in the house, in the newly imposed normal.  

Me: (muttering in annoyance)  But AA.  I never see more. What bold-facedness is this.  It actually fly in here to eat the choicest bananas!

They have to eat too. 

Me: But not my banana. 

If not yours, whose? 

It was then that Matthew 6:26 struck me.  Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 

Are you not much more valuable?

That bird did not have a job yet it was eating.  If God took care of the needs of that bird, how much more would He take care of us? We are so much more valuable in the sight of God than birds. While Covid-19 has us worrying about job, salary, economy, school, and our future, worry-free birds are eating and getting fat, courtesy the grace and mercy of God; and we have so much more access to that grace and mercy than they do!

“Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?”  (Matthew 6:27) Put another way, worrying changes nothing.  It only makes you sick.  Just “ first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”  Matthew 6:33. 

So, fly worry-free in light of the assurance that God is with you, and will provide!

Fly worry-free!

In Part II, I will consider how the birds survive worry-free!

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Contact Petra Pierre - Robertson


Instagram: petrapierre_robertson

You Tube Channel: Petra Pierre - Robertson


  1. Great thought for today or yesterday - I'm looking at it late! I'm using this blog to reach someone who have lost their spouse! Hence it's timeliness! I them as God's communication through willing vessel! Keep writing P!

    1. Amen! Tks for the feedback and the encouragement. May the person be comforted with the assurance that God is with her/him.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Amen! You indicated that "the birds thought that the coast was clear." We do not have ti wait because our Father has cleared the coast for us."

  4. Wonderful and reassuring read, God's words are sure!

    1. Amen. So true. Thank you for the feedback. Let's share this reassurance. :-)

  5. I am always encouraged and reminded by this text. I admit I worry sometimes but this text reminds me that if God can take care of the needs of birds who just basically fly around all day, how much more does he value me, see my needs and can take care of me? The birds themselves don't even stress where their next meal coming from you know! Why then should I worry? Thanks for the reminder.

  6. So much food for thought. God sometimes blesses us with things he uses to provide for someone else's needs. Everything we have is not our own. I love this.

  7. So much food for thought. God sometimes blesses us with things he uses to provide for someone else's needs. Everything we have is not our own. I love this.

  8. Why worry? I am more important than the birds. My God will provide!

  9. This is one of my favorite Bible verse, it gives hope for the future.


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