2020 Vision for 2021: Anoint Your Eyes by Petra Pierre - Robertson

Revelation 3:18 "...and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see..."

Things are not always as they seem

At my scheduled eye examination, due every two years or so, although everything appeared to be fine, my responses to the various tests were inconsistent. So the optometrist dropped dye in my eye. The dye would show what was happening in the background. It strips away and reveals.  

Dye facilitated revelation

For 2021, we need to apply 2020 vision from lessons learnt. 2020 was like an eye exam; Covid-19 the dye which facilitated so much revelation.  As we complete the lesson of 2020, Here is a post-assessment.

There are some things you will see clearly

Clearly seen

On my regular walk I came upon this sight, clearly visible because it was out of place.  It had drifted out of its habitat, whether accidentally or deliberately, and wandered across mine. I did not crush it even though I had the obvious advantage. Instead I guided it back to its habitat and left it there. Those vipers that come after you, their habitat is not your own so guide them back, but don't follow them back.  They may come out at you again in 2021.  Guide them back again. If you need to, crush them.  So, after guiding it back, and leaving it there, I continued walking

There are some things you will miss

Did you see that slug?

Me: Where?

Back there.  (pointing  to an area in the middle of the road that I had already passed)

Me: (Looking back)  I don’t see anything

I walked back slowly and circumspectly, paying careful attention.  I had been so preoccupied with the viper, I had missed the slug.

Completely missed

Had I not been so distracted by the large viper, had I been paying attention, I would have seen it.  I could have destroyed, or crushed the harmless innocent creature.  I completely missed it. Its presence had to be drawn to my attention.  

Are you so preoccupied with the viper – your woes, your persecutors, your near-misses, the stresses of survival – that you sometimes miss the smaller and finer things in life?  Regardless of what you are going through, God will provide someone to put things in perspective, to provide encouragement and point out a possible blessing, that you may have missed, burdened as you are with your problems and cares.  The signs of blessings to come, may seem insignificant because you are approaching it. However, as you keep walking, it gets bigger.  It is there, waiting for you.  God is already in your future; He already has control of the situation.  Trust him.

 What you see or miss will be unique to your experience; a curse or a blessing, an opportunist or an opportunity, convenience or friendship, trial or testimony, infatuation or love, a grimace or a smile, fiend or friend, betrayal or loyalty

And while you are walking into your future, stop amidst the bustle to enjoy the simple things in life.  Stand still. Look up.

Stand still and enjoy the simple things

 May you not miss the simple things in life. May God anoint your eyes with the spirit of discernment.  May you see as the Lord sees; not as man sees  (1 Sam 16:7).  This is my prayer for you as  you veer into the 2021 lane.

Blessings and best wishes for 2021!

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Contact Petra Pierre - Robertson

Website: www.pierrerobertson.com

Instagram: petrapierre_robertson

You Tube Channel: Petra Pierre - Robertson


  1. Thank you for blessings my heart as your encouraged me to keep my focus on 2021 as I look at the simpler things in life with the spirit of discernment.

  2. Thank God for your ability to pull out devotionals in the simple things in life. When I say simple it makes profound lessons for salvation

  3. Such true words......

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. These readings are always inspirational! Thank you Lord for already being in my future! I trust You!

  6. Thank you for your words of encouragement may God continue to bless you and your family as you continue to help others

  7. Thanks for the inspirational thought it got me thinking have I disappointed the Lord by not seeing or even focusing on what He wanted teach me, or maybe someone that may have needed help, your inspiration for the week sung deep into, thanks.

  8. Petra, thank you for allowing God to use you! Recently I have been working on staying focused, but I also need to work on appreciating the simple things in life. May God continue to anoint you to be a blessing!

    1. Amen. Thank you Stacy. My schoolmate at both the primary and secondary level!


  9. Very deep! My pray is to keep focus so I will not miss what God is saying.


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