Snakes and Ladders by Petra Pierre - Robertson


Snakes and Ladders

97!  Just one more move IF I get a 3!

Lord, give me a 3 and I'm done!  

I will even take 2!  Just get me past that snake!

Please do not give me 1!



Why was the snake positioned on the last leg of the journey, just before the finish line?  The journey had begun so nicely.  You were up the ladder from your first move!  Then, as soon as you started to make good progress, the snakes just appear, all over the board, to mess things up. You had been through so much; you battled and survived; accomplished, despite the odds, in 2020.  Now, when home is just in sight, up looms a snake!

Start with a ladder

End with  a snake

Snakes symbolise enemies. It was a serpent (later called a snake) who beguiled Eve.  As a result of his fatal trickery, paradise was lost, toil, hardship and death stepped in and enmity was placed between humankind and snakes.   And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel.” Genesis 3:15.  And to this day, people - male and female alike - are woefully afraid of snakes!

"The Sixth Day" by Petra Pierre - Robertson p77

Snakes are deceivers,.  So, why is ‘snakes and ladders’ a game?  Dealing with treachery is hardly a game, right.  But you are in this game; that’s life! 

And why are we talking about "Snakes and Ladders" anyway?   

Hello It Is Christmas!  A time for games (right)

So, you cross your fingers, throw the dice, hoping you will throw 3 to win; or at least  2 to bypass the snake…

Please, dont let me throw ONE



Let’s look at the flip side.  Ladders elevate; ladders symbolise a bridge between heaven and earth; ladders typify overcoming power, progress and ascension.  We often sing the song, We are climbing Jacob’s ladder.  It was a ladder Jacob dreamt about, when, after deceiving his father, he fled the wrath of his twin brother Esau. Talk about family drama -   Snakes and Ladders.  He who had exhibited the snakelike behaviour of deception, now needed God; and the ladder was the bridge. The ladder in Jacob’s dream represented Jesus, who alone is able to bring God and people together. (Christ Triumphant, EGW) 

Vision of a ladder in a terrain known for snakes

Tired after racing from trouble he brought on himself, he fell to the ground, a stone his pillow, and drifted wearily into slumber. And in  terrain known for snakes, God connected with that deceiver by a ladder; the vision of a ladder.  He saw angels ascending and descending the ladder; and at the top of the Ladder was God (Genesis 28:12 & 13).  The Ladder is a medium of communication between God and the human race…we ascend to heaven by climbing the ladder (Christ Triumphant, EGW)

Ladder reaching up to heaven in the darkness of night

Today is Christmas.  A day  of games - “snakes and ladders” has been one of the more popular ones over the years.  My prayer for you,  as we approach the end of this capricious Gregorian year of 2020, is that you ascend ladders and connect with God,  even as we move closer to the uncertainty of 2021 and all it brings.

May people not be snakes around your neck, who - sharpen their tongues as a serpent; [with the] Poison of a viper ... under their lips.  Psalm 140:3. Rather may you connect with Immanuel and climb above your situation, climb above your stresses, climb above your symbolic snakes, empowered by the assurance that God is at the top of the Ladder waiting to embrace you!


Petra Pierre - Robertson 

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  1. Even when ladders feel a bit shaky we can trust God to keep us safe

  2. life is realy a snake and ladder with JESUS on my side .even if the snake strike ,JESUS MY LADDER is there ,will be there to lift me up .And that my greatest comfort.

  3. It the game of life.....we will have gains as well as is my the birth of Christ ..we have an eternal gain..the snakes' head was crushed and by His death..we will have the opportunity to enter into the eternal bliss of heaven by the ladder of His blood...blessings..

  4. The word in Ps 37:23 suggest God's involvement in one's steps!
    the analogy of snakes and ladders brings home the points of life's twists and turns!
    Can I add that one can view ladders as opportunities in life and snakes as setbacks in life due to choices!
    We need Almighty God as our center always!

  5. There is hope, so let's hold on to God and His Word no matter the traps placed by the enemy. Thank you for this reminder.


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