Cut Nails, not Fingers! by Petra Pierre - Robertson

This week's blog is based on my reflection on two pieces of writing that came at me yesterday and today: A Facebook memory and my morning devotional.

Yesterday, (Dec 6, 2020), Facebook reminded me of a post I shared 5 years ago (2015) from Pinterest:  When nails grow long we cut nails, not fingers. Similarly, when misunderstandings grow up, cut your ego, not your relationship. 

Ironically, my devotional reading this morning (December 7, 2020), entitled “Divisiveness” from ‘Covered with His Righteousness’ by L. Eloy Wade O. (p. 349 IAD 2010), built on that memory.

 I confess, yes, I keep all my devotionals from yesteryears!

According to Wade, evil spreads division and separation. Evil causes humans to separate themselves from God then from each other. This was witnessed after war when the following countries split into two: Vietnam, Africa, China, Germany, Berlin, Czechoslovakia and Korea.  He went on to shrewdly outline ongoing divisions in humanity between rich and poor, black and white, noble and commoner, educated and ignorant, citizens and foreigners and the like. 

In reflecting on the Facebook post, I think of how easy it is to cut persons off, as opposed to dealing with issues. The devotional reading further highlighted the cause of separation. Yes, sometimes, severing links/separation is necessary. We need to separate ourselves from the world.  Sometimes, however, it is not necessary. Separation is necessary only when it pertains to the salvation and probably, the livelihood, of everyone.  

This upcoming week, as far as is humanly possible, live peaceably with all men (Romans 12:18). Encourage one another and build each other up (1 Thessalonians 5:11).  In the process you may need to trim nails; but don't sever fingers.

May God give you the  wisdom to know when to hold on and when to let go, and the guidance to make the right decision with dignity


Be blessed!


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Contact Petra Pierre - Robertson


Instagram: petrapierre_robertson

You Tube Channel: Petra Pierre - Robertson


  1. This was a timely message! ♥️

  2. Thank you Lord for this reminder. I need to know when to cut off problems or preserve relationships. This was short and sweet. Thanks Mrs. Petra❤

  3. From Guyana: This devotional is very timely because I am struggling to make a decision that have me over thinking. But God has answered prayers.

  4. Goedemorgen lieve zus en dank je wel voor deze interessante overdenking. Blessie dei 🌸


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