"Sticky Situation" by Petra Pierre - Robertson

“So I went down to the potter's house, and I saw him working at the wheel. But the pot he was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him.”  Jeremiah 18:3&4

I started mixing the dough with a spoon. I didn’t want my hands to get messy.  Some use a bread maker to avoid the mess.  But in the absence of a bread maker, there comes a point when you have to place your hand in the sticky ‘mess’.

Hand in the sticky mess!

As I reluctantly set aside the spoon, placed my hands in the dough, and curled my fingers around the gooey lump in preparation for kneading, the startling analogy struck: as my hands are in the sticky mess, so the Potter’s hands are in the clay.  He moulds us with his hands. He is in our mess moulding, kneading, fashioning and remaking.

Fingers curl around gooey mess

STICKY SITUATION? Whoever is reading this, regardless of your sticky situation, He has got you.  He has got your situation.  Stay in his hand!  “Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand…”  Jeremiah 18:6. 

SET ASIDE: You may be feeling now that he has cast you aside. As with the bread, you have probably been set aside.  But rest assured you are covered (with his righteous life), in preparation for the heat to come.  If you think the process was hard, that was only in preparation for the real heat!

Set aside

YOU WILL RISE: Use the time of covering to introspect, fortify, study,  pray and praise; and you will rise - in preparation for the heat.

You will rise as you introspect

You will rise as you study

You will rise as you pray

You will  rise as you praise

Rise when you are covered

 WARNING: After you rise, after the spiritual ‘highs’, come the heat!

NOTE:  Heat is necessary for the finished product.  You have to rise through the heat.  Rise in the assurance that He controls the heat.  He knows what temperature will afford the right outcome.  He adjusts the controls. And He is waiting to remove you from the heat when the time is right; based in His perfect timing, not your own.

Sometimes He reaches in to check on you; other times He just waits outside.  But rest assured He is always there monitoring your development.  He will not give you more than you can bear.  The Master Chef(…will form you) into another pot, as seemed best to him.  Jeremiah 18:4

Limitation of this human bread maker:  So an emergency came up. I had to hastily leave the house. Alas, I returned to my dough, much later than expected, to find this

Unattended dough

ASSURANCE: This will NEVER happen with our heavenly father.  He is omnipresent!  He can be in many places at the same time, and attend to all our needs and emergencies simultaneously!  He never turns his back on us!  He has promised that he will never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).  He is with us at every leg of the process through to completion.

IN HIS TIME: Whatever your situation, stay in the potters hand (Jeremiah 18).  He is faithful; He has promised (Hebrews 10:23).  He has set the timer and will remove you from the ‘heat’ when the time is right!

Be Blessed!

Petra Pierre - Robertson 

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  1. Amen for THAT! If it wasn't gift the Heavenly Potter, I would b useless, BUT for his Amazing hands that has ME, I'm Blessed I used to think at times that I've moved away so far that he can't hear me, but this time has shown me I was SO wrong,The Master Potter has me and I'm SO Thankful for THAT! Just keep on Heading Father,Shape me and Never leave ME

  2. Amen to that. I have a friend going through something right now. This came in prefect timing. Praise be to God

  3. Amen! Yield to his leading! Thank God he nevet leaves us!

  4. Thank you for your encouragement Petra.
    May you be blessed as the Lord continues to mould you to bring blessings to others.

  5. Glory!!! This is some sweet and inspiring reminder. God loves covers me, and it's a mistery. Beautiful article, amazing things happens to us when we allow him to knees us and form us. Thank you Jesus. Amen!! God bless the writer⚘

    1. Thank you for the blessing. Yes. We are to ensure we are covered by God at all times.

  6. Dankuwel Here dat Gij deze persoon gebruikt hebt om ook mij aan te moedigen.Help mij gewillig te zijn mij door U te laten kneden en vormen en te maken wat Gij wilt dat ik zijn moet.

    1. If someone can interpret for me I will be grateful. Blessings. God will fulfill his purpose in you! He has promised. He is faithful.

  7. Thanks for the timely reminder. May we all allow the Master Potter to form and fashion us according to His will. God's blessings Petra as you continue to motivate and inspire others through your writings.

  8. Succinct lessons from the baker's house.


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