Keep on Walking by Petra Pierre - Robertson

…I have finished my course…2 Tim 4:7

The Course

 I went to bed at 3am.  I knew better. I should have done better. I had a hill to climb the following morning.  Even though it was a short enough walk, my lack of preparation and breaking of the rules would make the journey more arduous than it actually was.  I doubted I would make it to the top. 

As we began the ascent, my hiking partner, earbuds in ear, chipped up the hill some distance ahead of me.

Hiking partner making good progress!


Hastily I reached for my phone; music was a good booster.  It drives movement. “If I didn't hear this song I won't make it up the hill 160/beats per minute,”  another member of the team had  said. It hit me.  If music could do this to a tired body dragging up an arduous hill, think what music can do to the broken spirit, facing what seems to be insurmountable, uphill trials! How much more can songs of praise get you up your hilly terrain?  So put the praise on!  Pump the music, it will lift you!

So my earbuds went in as I went up!


"Keep putting one foot in front the other..."

One step at a time

Music motivated but did not stop the sluggish feeling.  I was tired. My legs felt heavy.  As I looked down at my dragging feet, I remembered the advice I always gave to hikers who felt they couldn’t make it on some of my expeditions up steep uphill terrains; like the Blue Mountains (Jamaica’s highest peak at 2256 m),  El Tucuche (Trinidad’s Second highest peak at 936 m), and Shodo, a high altitude hike in Trinidad, to name a few.  “Look down, don’t look at the climb; just keep putting one foot in front the other…” I always encouraged.

So I took my own advice, even though this was a very simple climb that, as a seasoned hiker, I should have been prepared for, and looked at my feet as I put one in front the other.


Encourage one another!

“Good Morning:”

“Good Morning”

“Good Morning”

The climber greeted everyone as he passed, even though he was also labouring; even though it took breath to speak; and his breathing was heavy; yet he greeted. Some persons responded to the cheerful greeting, others didn’t.  He greeted anyway.  It was motivating.  I provided a greeting of my own and smiled as he laboured up the hill, greeting as he climbed; even though he needed all his breath to provide energy for the climb. 

Cheerful climber

On your climb take people as they come.  Don’t give them power over you.  When they greet, you greet; when they do not greet; you greet; when they smile, you smile; when they do not smile; you smile.  Don’t give them power over your positivity.  Keep climbing higher. Not only will you motivate yourself, you will also encourage others!

“God, provide cloud cover...please!”

Back the pressure

That had been my prayer. I couldn't take heat that day.  But we are not always protected from the vagaries of life; nor was I protected that day either. As damp and cool as the air could get, there are also points when the sun is blistering.  It is then that the hill seemed steeper. I turned my back to the sun and backed up the hill.  Sometimes a change of position and perspective helps; even as you ascend.  I saw the distance I had already covered.  I saw people behind me, also labouring, consistent in their climb. I turned around .  Others were descending.  If they had made it, so can I!


Distractions and Negativity

An alien sound.  It was not the sounds of the forest.  It was loud music from an external speaker!  It came just after I saw the sign mocking that I was not even close.  Everything was happening at once 

Distractions, scoffers and mockers

A rowdy group was descending; playing loud music and talking loudly. No wonder the monkeys could not be seen!  They obviously fled at the sounds of the raucous humans coming through! I had my soft music in my ear; I didn’t need their own!  My mood instantly changed as annoyance and impatience set in.  Why did they think everyone liked what they did?  Have you ever met persons like that on your journey?  Persons who want you to be clones of themselves; who want you to like what they like – clothes, music, fashion, dreams, aspirations, partners.  They loudly proclaim it even though it applies only to them and not to you.  Nothing but distractions!  And they sometimes disturb your spirit and disrupt your peace. As I allowed the crowd to distract me, I missed an important sign of encouragement… 

Missed the encouragement?

Sometimes you miss the encouragement; or even the sign, because of distractions – a partner, a so-called friend, a church member, a bad relationship, a stressful job.  Keep climbing nevertheless; you are making progress. If you missed the encouragement or the sign of assurance, look back, it is there! I looked back, saw it, and pressed forward with a burst of energy the sight of the sign generated.You have nothing to fear for the future except you forget how God has led you in the past. (Life Sketches 196.2 EGW)  Ignore the distraction; rise above it; keep walking.  

So I kept on walking.  I kept putting one foot in front the other And just like that, it appeared in front of me.

Dont be deterred from your prize

Whatever your goals are this week, keep on walking. Our ultimate goal in our course of life is salvation.  We want to receive the gift/our crown of Righteousness from Christ himself.  Do not let anything or anyone deter you from that prize.

Until then,, let your heart go on singing; keep the praises ascending; keep putting one foot in front the other.  You are making progress.

Continue pressing towards the mark, (Philippians 3:14) 

Keep on walking!

Weight increased 

By the way, I was told that I could increase the weight I carry, on each subsequent trip up the terrain, to build endurance.  Your weight will also increase on subsequent journeys. Remember, when your burdens increase, your attitude will determine whether the virtues of endurance and resilience will develop.  Groan if you must; cry is you must; drag if you must, but press on on to the next round!

Subsequent Trips

You can read about more of my hiking escapades in Lost in the Hills by Petra Pierre - Robertson


Additional analogies by Petra Pierre – Robertson: 

SOS Allegory of  Hike I Priorities Magazine: September 2013 p.15 

SOS Allegory of a Hike II Priorities Magazine: November 2013 p.15

SOS Allegory of  Hike III Priorities Magazine: February 2014 p. 15


  1. I concur! Keep moving forward!

    I plan to continue to send this blog to the wife of a close friend I lost under mysterious circumstances A fitness freak gone without explaination!
    Thank you!

    1. Wow. Sad. Yes, please do. Tell her to take it one day at a time. Just put one foot in front of the next.

  2. I love it.
    Your words are like music. They encourage me to put yet another step forward.

  3. Amen. Pressing forward is what we shall do. Thank you for the encouragement.

  4. Thanksvoor de boodschap. May God help us to keep on walking. Blijf me gedenken met zulke motiverende boodschappen worden.

  5. Amen sis we have nothing to fear for the future, lets keep on walking.

  6. It is by keep one's eye on the goal..that it is know Paul talked about our attitude as we seek to accomplish our goals....he said to "press"...which means to apply pressure...I am glad you pressed forward..the reward was sure...

  7. You always write something that I need to hear...despite whatever comes our way we just have to keep pressing on to reach our mark with God's help...


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