Conflicting Signals by Petra Pierre-Robertson

Matthew 6:6 But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. It was a demonstration for a class. It was set up in the library. It looked so cute I stopped to take pictures. I had no idea what the objectives for the lesson were, but as I took the pictures my own lessons, encapsulated in the title of the blog, came to mind So many voices! Have you ever been inundated with voices? All legitimate? Yet all giving conflicting signals? Or different instruction? And were you ever at your wits end wondering just who should you listen to? There are just so many voices, sometimes. And oftentimes what causes even more confusion is that these voices come from legitimate sources at home, church, school and society! There are just so many voices, sometimes! The still small voice I think of Elijah. He heard several diverse voices in the wind, in the earthquake, and in the fire. Yet, at that point of his experience, even though in other situations G...