Keep on Walking by Petra Pierre - Robertson

…I have finished my course…2 Tim 4:7 The Course I went to bed at 3am. I knew better. I should have done better. I had a hill to climb the following morning. Even though it was a short enough walk, my lack of preparation and breaking of the rules would make the journey more arduous than it actually was. I doubted I would make it to the top. As we began the ascent, my hiking partner, earbuds in ear, chipped up the hill some distance ahead of me. Hiking partner making good progress! Music Hastily I reached for my phone; music was a good booster. It drives movement. “If I didn't hear this song I won't make it up the hill 160/beats per minute ,” another member of the team had said. It hit me. If music could do this to a tired body dragging up an arduous hill, think what music can do to the broken spirit, facing what seems to be insurmountable, uphill trials! How much more can songs of praise get you up your hilly terrain? So put the praise on! Pump the m...