His Wounds Have Paid My Ransom: Just Three nails

God clearly shows and proves His own love for us, by the fact that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:8 AMP) "Come see this!" I raced to the back door. We stood looking at the tree in confusion. It was a sad, sorry, sight. A once sturdy and robust tree with rich foliage now stood stark, dry, and naked of leaves. Skeletal branches provided an almost grotesque sketch against the canvas of the sky. Abandoned The animals that once received food, shelter and even clothing had abandoned it for other trees. The large nest of a bird was visible in another tree just beyond its ghastly branches "Something seemed to have attacked the tree. It is all dried up." We stood silently for a few seconds looking at the sorry sight of the tree before he softly said "Perhaps the nails." Just three nails We had hammered three nails into the trunk to provide a sturdy prop for a place to wash. Just three nails poisoned and decimated a once green, ...